
Showing posts from 2018


Hi!! Long time x tulis kt blog. Lol.. No one counting also 😂😂 whatever!! So, as you all may or may not know. I've started my study life back since October.. It was fun and too tiring if I may say. Study life was not hectic at all. But the other things was the one that took most of my time 😂 Well, during my foundation life. I've heard how ppl say that degree life is way easier cause u only have like 2/3 hours class per day. This is true tho!! But then, for a person like me who joined a lot of projects.. I still dont have time for other things 😔 For example, my friends could go and watch at least one movie in her laptop every week. But I don't even have the time to watch an hour story. So, some people asked me how I manage my time.. I dont think I'm qualified enough to talk bout this but yeahh.  Here's some. - Never think about the future too much! Prepare for the upcoming events which is tomorrow and not be frustrated by an event which is a mont


Hello ✌ So, this was a story bout 2 weeks ago. Yeah, I know. I don't really have the time to sit and write 😴 So, here goes my story.. 2 weeks ago, I went home... My aim is actually to study since I have a cambridge exam on wednesday! So, like yeah! Of course I need to study 🙂 So, like usual. I went home on friday. Took grab and lrt. Meet up with a friend of mine, we eat lunch together at NU SENTRAL. We talked till 3 I guess. Then, at 5 I went back home cause there's no one at my house bfr 5 😅 Owhh and I did not get back at 5. My dad picked me up at 6++pm. It was a tiring day of course! So, yadda yadda yadda. I planned to sleep early and wake up at 4am to study. Lolll, I didnt woke up as expected 🙂🙂 I woke up at 9 I guess 😕😕 One night wasted 😩 Usually when I go back home. My morning schedule is filled with family time and night is the only time for me to study (thats why I lived in my college and not at home! 😂) So, that afternoon. We went to a ken


Hi korg!! Good luck dpt PASUM! Basically start from the first day korg msk, mmg ramai akan ltk high hopes kt korg. Vice Chancellor (VC), lecturers semua akan ckp korg the best from the best! cause dpt msk UM and all. Tpi please jgn angkuh kay!! Igt that x kisah kt mana pun kita blaja, we're still all the same. Masuk PASUM does not mean that you're gonna further ure degree kt UM jgk. So, jgn rilex sgt!! Study hard to get into UM jgk degree nanti kay! haha. Awal2 aq dah nasihat lolzz. So, apa nk bwk to KUAZ. This is your college, dlm ni ada semua bdk PASUM and also some international students. Tpi korg jrg la kenal international students ni sbb mostly degree or master or phd. lol BARANG-BARANG TO BRING: BAJU HARIAN - Baju kurung for girls ( 5 and above) sbb mmg gi class pkai baju kurung ja! - Baju kemeja for guys ( 5 and above) sbb mmg gi class pkai baju kemeja berkolar ja! - Tie for boys - Seluar slack for boys and girls (girls x yah pun x pe. x guna pun!) (boys


Hi guys. So, today idk why, I finally realized how grateful I am to be born as a girl. U know how typical it was when u were a kid and all u could think of is, " how great would it be if I am born to be a boy"  😂 I know this feeling cause I always thought like this when I was a kid 😂 I cant accept the fact that as a girl, I cant play and do what boys can. So, I envy them!! Srsly! 😂 I am jealous when we went back, all of them can go out and play (if not, they are called as lazy by our uncles and aunties)  whereas us girls, need to tidy the house, we need to help serve the foods, we need to bancuh air and all especially during festive seasons. I get more jealous when the boys can play kejar-kejar, galah panjang, panjat pokok and all. I envy them cause they can play hotwheels, resident evil, play station and all we girls are meant to play was barbie, baby dolls, cook and all. I am forever grateful cause some of my cousins really dont mind me playing with them when I


So, hi guys!! Lama dah rsa x tulis 😃 So, this week I kinda realised that although we had planned our future. Tpi sometimes, other people's future are brighter than ours eventho time sklh kita lagi pandai/class dpn from them Okay, so here's a story! A few days ago, one of my school friend whatsapp me and asked where did I get for my degree. And I answered, "Alhamdulilah dpt UM blk (since I was from PASUM itself which was in UM. So it feels like I got to masuk UM AGAIN!)." Then I asked her, "dpt sambung mana?" Pastu dia jawab, "biasa2 ja." I x suka org reply camni. Yes I understand if you feel downgraded by other people's university and whatnot. Tapi for me, if u reply like this, mcm x bersyukur actually. Whatever university that u got, it is good! As long as u got to further ure studies, it is good! Never underestimate or downgrade ureself!!! I hate people who behave like this (when I say hate, it does not mean literally hate. Its j


Hi guys! Assalamualaikum 😁 So, I just came back from Malacca with 2 of my friends. Its supposed to be a class reunion trip thingy 😫😫 Tpi what to do kan. Semua org busy with their own life! Sokay, whatever it is, asalkan kita still rapat, I'm fine with it So, we went there 3 org. All girls! First2 cam cuak gak la. Dah la semua first time pergi sendiri without teachers or parents. So, Izyan and I are in charged to book all the tickets semua 😅 Since I dah biasa naik ETS, so I'm in charged to book the train for 3 people. LOL, online ja kan semua 😏😏 Izyan booked the water world A Famosa, Old West A Famosa and also the hotel. Kitaorg kan mcm still students, so x de la nak amik hotel mahal2 sgt. Kitaorg stay kt Tampin actually. Bkn kt Melaka since its cheaper in Tampin. Bandar kecik ja. So, murah la. Its a 2 star hotel ja. The name is Centrepoint Hotel Tampin.  At first mcm tkt gak la. Dah la gi all girls, jadi pape nanti. Tapi kitaorg doa. And alhamdulillah, hot


Hi all! So, fyi, I am from an all girls school since form 1 till 5. For some of u who may ask, 'ehh x boring ke ddk all girls school? Like x de guys lgsg. X de bdk nk usha, x de motivation la nk gi sklh sbb x de crush kt sklh?¿' 🙈 Lol. Ok guys. Tu la one of the point parents hantar gi girls school. Diorg nk kita study betul2. Avoid coupling and all. And focus ure 110% on studying and tonjolkan ure real self without having to lower ureself sbb ada boys. (Not saying that girls need to be less menonjol, but some girls are shy to show their talent in front of boys) Waktu I was form 1, nangis gak la bila parents nk mskkan dlm girls school. Cause waktu primary school, sklh campurkan. So, it feels pelik gilaaa. Like wth am I supposed to do in all girls school? Nanti mesti semua gedik, pastu acah hot. 😎 tpi dah parents dah daftarkan, what else can I do except go to school 😂😂 even time form 4, my parents kena pindah state, and I still want to go to sklh campur. Well, u know

What I learned today #015

Hi.  So, last week I had went back to UM for a one week preparation for MSKP(MINGGU SUAI KENAL PELAJAR) So, I arrived early cause my parents nk blk Ipoh on that day too.  So, I was one of the person yg arrived early at KUAZ, which is my college.  When I arrived, there are like 3 people in that dorm. Yeah, we stayed in a dorm together but it was fun cause I am from a boarding school. So, it kinda bring back the memories! During the evening, most ppl had already arrived. AND ALL of them are hayat ppl! Cmon mann.. I'm from fizikal.So, definitely I don't know any of them.  Of course I tried talking to them and all,  But it was hard to be a part of their group cause they had already had their group of friends since Asasi time.  I felt really alone! SRSLY that was the first time I felt really alone.  Its not a feeling of wanting friends.  Its a sense of sadness of why everyone have someone but I don't at the moment.  So, I ws some of my friends and talk t

What I learned today #014

Hi.. So, yesterday I learnt that everyone is different. The way we talk, the way we smile, the way we judge ppl, the way we want to be judged, the way we eat and soo on. Have we ever notice that sometimes, All these things that we had been doing.. All the things we thought were okay. Actually it wasnt. The people we're talking to are not okay with whatever content we're talking about. Sometimes, we think that we are always great at everything. Everyone loves us! No man noo. Even if he or she is your best friend. There must be a time where he or she felt like she was wrongly treated by you! I've been there before. I had a few reaaally closed friends. And I thought we were really great together. Until day by day, she start telling me what she felt that I did wrong to her. I guess it was nothing when I talk that way with her. Like everyone is okay with it. Whats wrong with ya? But then, I realised that not everyone is the same. Everyone had these line we

What I learned today #013

'ALLAH's plan is always the best!' Hi everyone!! 👋 I'm in the car rn.. and suddenly something strucked me.. When I suddenly realized how Allah's plan is and always the greatest plan ever. Have you ever wondered how you achieved soooo much in your life. When at that time you're doing that specific things, you think you can't. But, then suddenly u had finished it.. Of course u had right!! Well, one of my fav people in the world is going faaaarr awayyyy from me.. She's my cousin, fyi. Well, she's a year younger than me. And when I got straight A's for spm and got enrolled in pasum. She always said to me, that i'm going to fly far away and leave her here.. But then, now.. she's the one who's flying away and leaving me.. Of course i'm happy for her. But do you see it now How Allah had already created our fates.. He gave us the best that we need. She always imagined herself going somewhere cold with her fam And no

What not to do if you're staying with other people!!

Assalamualaikum and hi 👋 Well, dah lama x tulis actually. So, for this entry. I'm gonna list down some of the tips to change ourself to be a better person for ourselves and also to the other people around us. Sometimes, kita always terasa hati with some people and we hope that those kind of ppl will change their attitude towards us. But little did we know, we are not perfect either. So, these are all the things that I think we need to change in order to become a better person and also utk mengelakkan other people from rasa sakit hati/menyampah with us. ⛄if we take other people's stuffs. Ask permission and put it back where it belong. Meaning to say, if, for example. You took your friend's punya baldi/ bakul baju. Put it back where it belong. And also, letak blk everything inside it.. Ltk blk mcm mana it look bfr u amik. Klau dlm tu ada brg, after u return it. Ltk blk brg tu dlm benda tu. Jgn ltk camtu ja. Be responsible!! ⛄jgn senang2 amik/bkk anyone punya brg. Ct

what I learned today #012

Hiii. ❤❤ So, today.. I wanna write bout blood donation. Have u ever heard someone said that, " x payah la nak donate blood all.. buat apa?" Well, guys! you could actually be an actual hero to another person 💟 A real person that really need your help at one point. Pernah dengar x karma?? Well, so its gonna be a story after this.. A story based on an uncle who is a cataract patient at PPUM.. So, this chinese uncle. He had been a regular donor since 50 years ago! 😇😇 yeah guys.. He's very old now. Like 60 or 70 something.. So, he started donating blood when he was like 20++ cause one of his neighbour have leukaemia. So, this boy needs a lot of blood and this uncle have the same type of blood as he does. So, this uncle started donating his blood for this little guy. After this little guy passed away when he was a teenager. This uncle continue to donate his blood cause he thought of other people who may need his help via his blood. And yeah. for 50 years, h

What I learned today #011

Hey y'all. Hmm. So, what I learned today is kinda sad. Do u know how it feels like when someone u care about is having a problem with another person whom u cared about too. Then, u can't do anything to help cause they are all grownups and they need to solve things by themselves.. which is by talking. Not talking and just keeping all the emotions to themselves will not solve anything guys.. Well, marriage is not all beds and roses right.. Hard days will always come. And surely all the hard days will go away one day.. Sometimes, we can't interfere or help them cause its their problem. We as kids. Can only be a good children and not let them be more angrier than what they feel now. Well, thats why people always say. Go shopping first before u choose the right spouse or wife. Cause even when you guys got into a fight.. You'll be in good terms again cause u guys had love each other ones.. Love is a strong relationship. Tipu if I say I x pernah like anyone.

what I learned today #010

woohoo.. i had already made 10 entries about what I did learned 💖💖 so, today... I learn something bout friendship.. Basically, my sister is quite a loner herself.. cause she doesn't have a lot of friends to hang out with. No.. Don't get me wrong.. She's a nice girl. Its just that she always dislike some people on their first meeting and its hard to look at the people in a positive way when she had labelled the person as a negative vibe.. Last week she even had a mental breakdown because she was quite a loner and she feel sad cause she need to clerk the patient alone.. (she's currently studying medic in UM) So, her birthday was last week. And yesterday, 2 of her best friends from school dm me on instagram.. They wanted to make a surprise birthday party for her 🎆🎆🎈 I felt really overwhelm because of their strong friendship.. And they are all not from the same race.. My sister is malay (of course la. lel.. ), her 2 friends were chinese and Indian. And th

What I learned today #009

So, heyy.. Last night I was quite depressed cause someone I knew condemned bout all the courses in the world. Cause she thought that only a specific course (which is the one she likes) is the best.. among the rest. So, here I am trying to open up all of our closed mindset.. especially our parents.. auntie, uncle, sis, bro, adik2.  Bkn engineering and doctor je yg berjaya dlm dunia ni. X semestinya x dpt jdi doktor or engineering x berjaya dik oii.. semua career berjaya and dpt buat kita berjaya 🎓🎓 .. Jgn sempitkan our pemikiran and set that we would like to be a doctor/engineer sbb tu je yg berjaya and org pandang.. Klau nak berjaya. Jgn pernah pandang rendah pada org lain.. jgn pandang rendah pd course org lain. Whatever courses yg dia amik. Its hard. Dah msk degree ni x de apa yg senang bak kata lecturer engineering UM.. so, jgn pertikaikan yg that courses x de masa dpn and whatnot. Rezeki tu kt tgn Allah 🎉 anything can happen. Ada org yg dpt 4 flat for every sem.x dpt jg


**guys, basically this is just utk korg baca basic je psl pasum ni. like I just tulis what u need to know bout pasum itself. utk korg consider for UPU, ok? ** proud to be one of the people who could be under this logo and song 💕                                           so, hi ✌✌ adik-adik ehh? 😂😂 x yah la ehh. pasum x de senior junior. korg sebaya je dlm ni nanti. so, let me start bout PASUM 😊 first off. Kenapa korg nk pilih PASUM as one of the choices dlm UPU? Klau setakat untuk isi kekosongan mcm x yah kot. ramai lagi yg nak msk UM ni dik oii.. so, what I'm saying is.. make sure u tau why u nak msk PASUM. Know your aim. jgn msk sbb nak cari awek/pakwe yg handsome/cantik with brains. Ramai ja kt sini.. tpi tutor kitaorg ckp, x yah cari kt PASUM, nak cari nanti msk degree UM, bru jamin sikit masa depan cerah.. (takut x dpt sambung degree ja 😖) tu x penting sgt for now kay. set your priority straight kiddo. The first thing that u'll be taking on minggu ha

What I learned today #008

Hi... So, last week I had a retreat to nature by accident. 😅 I can't say retreat to 'nature' actually. Its just a retreat from phones and laptops. Basically, the story is like this.. I went back during last weekend. And I don't know why. I brought back all my tutos, my pencil case and all the necessary items. Except for the most important thingy. Which is...... charger 😑😑😢 At first, I was like. What??? How could I forgot to bring it home 😕 I searched my entire school bag and also my sling bag. But, its not there.. 😢😢 so, I knew I left it behind. But, as the proverb says, 'there's always a silver lining to everything'.. So, by not having my phone with me(meaning that I can't finished most of my tutorials.. especially programming.. i'll talk bout this later 😬), I got to have a reaaaaally productive weekend with my family. So, I went back on friday night. And when I reached my house. My cousin was there. So, I didn't check my phone at

when reality hits like a truck

well, hi guys! 👋👋 I don't know why. But suddenly a thought came to me. Basically I had this thoughts when I was in high school. 😁 Well, as you all know. High school are usually pack with all the classes, after school activities and soo on. So, I always had this thoughts that it'll be easier in university, You'll only had like 3 or 4 classes per day.. Arhhhh, HEAVEN! 💞💞 Well, now that I'm in university and living this life. I wanna go back to school where it was easy back then than now. My classes are way more pack than when I'm in high school. Although there were free times when class got canceled. But it will always be filled with assignments and tutorials to be fiinished befoe the deadlines.. It was tiring indeed. When I was in school. At least I got to sleep sharp at 12am and woke up at 6 something. Now I can only sleep at 12.30am onwords and also woke up at 6.20am for prayers and my classes starts at 8am. I need to walk to my class which are