Hi guys.
So, today idk why, I finally realized how grateful I am to be born as a girl.
U know how typical it was when u were a kid and all u could think of is, " how great would it be if I am born to be a boy"  😂
I know this feeling cause I always thought like this when I was a kid 😂
I cant accept the fact that as a girl, I cant play and do what boys can. So, I envy them!! Srsly! 😂
I am jealous when we went back, all of them can go out and play (if not, they are called as lazy by our uncles and aunties)  whereas us girls, need to tidy the house, we need to help serve the foods, we need to bancuh air and all especially during festive seasons.

I get more jealous when the boys can play kejar-kejar, galah panjang, panjat pokok and all.
I envy them cause they can play hotwheels, resident evil, play station and all we girls are meant to play was barbie, baby dolls, cook and all.
I am forever grateful cause some of my cousins really dont mind me playing with them when I was little. Eventho slalu kena ejek "ganas", "tomboy". Loll 😛
As long as I still get to play, I am forever grateful!

But now, as I get older (my last teen years! 😛), I finally realize how important it is to be very grateful as to why we are born to be girl and why we are train to be a proper girl since we were a kid! (Play with barbies, help to serve dishes and etc)

So, this is the things that I am grateful to be a lady (ceewah!)
- first and foremost, being a lady means that I can feel protected from other ppl. I felt this almost everyday! Whenever I'm in a project/group that involved men. They will always asked "where i'm going", "with whom am I going with' and etc. This things makes me realize how fortunate I am to be a girl that feels protected by other people.
- I can talk to the makcik and pakciks really well cause u know, elderly ppl likes to talk 😛 so, as a lady, ure supposed to listen without any intervention. So, while listening, I gain knowledge and also stories 😂
- the facilities are women-friendly. For ex, the women's toilet are always in front from the man's. This is so that the ladies are protected and can easily seek for help in case anything happens.
- people listen to what I say (sometime 😂) since I am outspoken.. but tbh, men always let ladies to talk first! And I am grateful for that..
- men always respect ladies! I had went for an international programme and I was walking with my friends which include boys and girls. Then, this one boy opened the door for me. Wait for me to walk with him and soo on. This makes me feel protected for the existance of this human being called man.
- parents always took extra care for their baby girl than boys. This is because they knew that girls are more fragile than boys are! Even during playtime. Girls are always under parents supervision whereas boys are being left to play till they are tired 😂 not alone okay! Even when we are teenagers. Parents always tell the girls to come back bfr midnight, but not to the boys.
- we women, are designed to help man. This is what people always say. And I cant agree more! We are born to help the other sex called man. We may be at par with them, but we will never compete with them. We will always be a lil bit behind them in strength, responsibility and managing our household.
Eventho u are an independent women. I cant disagree that sometimes, u will want a man beside u. To hold u. Cherish u. And etc
.. 😂

I disagree with the gov for letting the lgbt to share the toilet with us. Cause I believe that, man, eventho they declare to be the same as women, they are still physically stronger than us. They can still beat us anytime. They are still men!! Whoever they declare they are, they are still men physically! And maybe sexually?!
(This is my pov. Its okay to have a diff pov!)

And to all the girls out there who's reading (although I dont even know who will read this blog. Lol 😂), u dont need to find the perfect one when u are studying, especially sklh rendah, menengah 😴😴
 X yah! Srsly! Focus on ure studies first! Even if u found the perfect guy during degree time, make sure u have a permanent job first bfr marrying him. We are not trying to be the typical "indepent women doesnt need man" thing. We are making sure that at least we are at par! At least we could treat ourselves at a spa or buy our own clothes when we want too! Being independent is not wrong, but in life. We stil need the other half to feel complete.

That said, srsly I am forever grateful for being born as a lady and being teached the correct way since I was  a kid.

Just to correct some misinformation, it is okay to let ure lil girls play with hotwheels, resident evil, pubg and so on. It will not effect their true nature as a girl. What u need to do is, instill their rohani cause thats what gonna make her stay on the right track!

Thats all 💕


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