Hi all!
So, fyi, I am from an all girls school since form 1 till 5.
For some of u who may ask, 'ehh x boring ke ddk all girls school? Like x de guys lgsg. X de bdk nk usha, x de motivation la nk gi sklh sbb x de crush kt sklh?¿' 🙈
Lol. Ok guys. Tu la one of the point parents hantar gi girls school. Diorg nk kita study betul2. Avoid coupling and all. And focus ure 110% on studying and tonjolkan ure real self without having to lower ureself sbb ada boys. (Not saying that girls need to be less menonjol, but some girls are shy to show their talent in front of boys)

Waktu I was form 1, nangis gak la bila parents nk mskkan dlm girls school. Cause waktu primary school, sklh campurkan. So, it feels pelik gilaaa. Like wth am I supposed to do in all girls school? Nanti mesti semua gedik, pastu acah hot. 😎 tpi dah parents dah daftarkan, what else can I do except go to school 😂😂 even time form 4, my parents kena pindah state, and I still want to go to sklh campur. Well, u know girl's hormones and all. But then, dpt sklh asrama girls lak 😂😂😂 Allah's plan are always the best ones!

So, if anyone of u are from an all girls' school. I think u guys can relate to what i'm gonna list down here:

  • First of all, we learn how to not feel ashamed of our self appearance. Like literally there's no boys here. Except for a few male teachers. Even if we're fat/thin, our face are full of pimples and whatnot. We can become ourself cause we have our girlfriends at school ❤ we play during PJ, without having to cover ayu or whatnot. Cause there are only us! We play basketball so heartfull until smtms our tdg tercabut 😂 and we do split until our seluar terkoyak 😂😂😂😂😂 aaannd we can still laugh bout it. ❤ 
  • Hari sukan was lit. U could be in the cheerleader, run 400m and participate in everything without having to be ashamed for being the centre of attention by boys. Especially when ure in the upper form, u'll start feeling shy towards the opposite gender.. in an all girls school, u could still particpate in cheerleading cause we are all girls! U can bent, twirl, jump, run. Whatever! And the girls will always cheer back at u.. 
  • We got to speak out during class, labs. We dont have to be shy, because there are only u and a bunch of girls. 
  • During period time, bocor is not smthg to be ashamed of . U could just ask who have an extra pad without having to be embarrassed at all cause we all had gone through it at least once! Chilll. 
  • We got to show our true talent. For example, I think if I was in sklh campur, I could not be in the innovation team to represent my district (cause most sklh campur that I had competed, semua hantar boys), and I may not be in the debate team to go sampai international level. 
  • We had already avoid all the nonsense discussion bout who is the hottest boy and all. No daydreaming bout the boy next class and whatnot. Thats why most girls from an all girls school loves kpop 😂 cause that are the only hot boys we could watch 
  • Teachers could sense our talent cause we are all the same gender. Most stereotype ppl think that boys are better than girls, more charming and dashing than girls, and more easily to win in a competition. Even for debate, my coach told us that usually boys will win cause their voice are better than girls (ours are high pitched than them 😅).
  • We don't bazirkan our time getting jealous of other girls for having the perfect boy, cause there are no boys to be argued for.. 
  • We can't wait for collab! Cause thats the only time we have boys in our school! But since we were always only girls, we learn how to control ourself and have self confidence! Say what u wanna say cause u had been doing it in class .. 
  • We got to hold more responsibilities cause all of u are the same. U may be the ketua pgws, the ketua pljr, the ketua biro for prefects and whatnot. This may not happen in sklh campur cause 'boys are meant to be the leader!' So, when u enter university, u could be equal to the boys in terms of handling events, technical stuffs and other things cause u learn it during high school. 
  •  We are open minded bout women's hygiene and also we sometimes discuss bout things that women should know bout their body. Cause its only us. So, smtms there will be a talk bout women's body in the hall, or bout period. We got to know more bout our body and how to take care of ourself ❤ 
  • We learn to be at par with the boys in competition. Cause girls will be chosen to represent our school and meet the boys from other school. So, we must be at par!
  • Although there's no boys. But for sbp, we have flyers. Its like a surat, where smtms we send it to other sbps' school. Eagerly waiting for their replies eventho it'll takes months bfr we'll get their ans 😂😂 but the anticipation will not really disturb u cause u have a loot of responsibilities to handle.
  • The goodbye's are always the hardest! U'll cry for sure cause it'll be hard to meet all of them again. Especially if ure studying in a boarding school, those years as sisters together ❤ even until now, my friends and I still contact each other in our ws group..
  • Finally, after u had finished school. We will realised how much memories we had in an all girls school . All the gossips, all the late night talks, all the group discussion and all the crying 😂 sisters always back up one another. U will feel honoured to have ure sisters with u. Like me, I am proud to have 165 sisters from my school ❤
So, I think thats all. Being in an all girls school are really the most fun times for me during high school! Although at that time I always complain cause I wanna go to sklh campur, but my parents knew better. ALLAH KNEW BETTER! It was the best decision ever. 
Eudora 1516

Thats all
Yours truly 💋


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