So, hi guys!!
Lama dah rsa x tulis 😃
So, this week I kinda realised that although we had planned our future.
Tpi sometimes, other people's future are brighter than ours eventho time sklh kita lagi pandai/class dpn from them

Okay, so here's a story!
A few days ago, one of my school friend whatsapp me and asked where did I get for my degree.
And I answered, "Alhamdulilah dpt UM blk (since I was from PASUM itself which was in UM. So it feels like I got to masuk UM AGAIN!)."
Then I asked her, "dpt sambung mana?"
Pastu dia jawab, "biasa2 ja."
I x suka org reply camni. Yes I understand if you feel downgraded by other people's university and whatnot. Tapi for me, if u reply like this, mcm x bersyukur actually.
Whatever university that u got, it is good! As long as u got to further ure studies, it is good!
Never underestimate or downgrade ureself!!! I hate people who behave like this (when I say hate, it does not mean literally hate. Its just a figure of speech meaning to say that you are better than this! Change ureself and love ureself better!)

So, with her replying to me like that, I thought dia dpt university local la.
Then after a while, she said, "ok. I'll tell u. Tpi u're the only one that knows okay! (except her parents la. lol )
I was like, okay ✌
She showed me her surat tawaran
Holy shit dowh! Dia dpt futher study kt New Zealand.. OMG!!!!!
I had always dreamt of studying there since I was a kid! (OTAGO UNIVERSITY to be exact!)
I know, kids with big dream ehh 😄
I don't even know when I finally realized I can't get any scholarship to go there.

The reason she was embarrassed to tell anyone is because she thinks that there's a lot of other people who are way better than her (she told me pun because she wants me to encourage her!).
Well, girl! This is what I called as REZEKI!
Not anyone can get it.
Although time sklh dlu, maybe u didn't really performed that well.
Well, everyone have their own abilities and also rezeki.
Mine was to further my studies in UM, and urs are to further ure studies in NZ!
Accept ure fate and go excel there!

If u asked me when I got the admission letter to study my foundation in Pasum or Universiti Malaya.
I felt the same way,
Why didn't my Ketua Pelajar got into Pasum (duhhh.. the best asasi in Malaysia!)
Well, because her rezeki is in KYUEM. Her rezeki is different from yours,
This is your rezeki, your fate, your journey!
Enjoy it and take it for yourself!
Never underestimate yourself and when u get this kinda opportunity, never take it for granted!
Take it, enjoy it to the fullest.
But make sure u excel!
You can't blow the one chance opportunity!!
Do your very best and be the best!
Tak payah nak expect much. Just do your very best and if you are a top achiever, then, dream big!
But for me, I rarely dream big anymore. I just try my best and enjoy the process.
Even during my foundation years,
some of my friends aimed for top 20 Pasum and all,
All I ever dreamt of is getting 4.00 for both semester and excel.
Although I would love to get the top 20, but we got to be realistic here!
Set your goals that you can achieve! Know ureself and your limit!
That is how I live my life so that I will never be too disappointed!
(well sometimes I did disappoint myself. lol😅 but that is call a learning process!)

Even today,
one of my classmates had fly to US to further her studies.
I felt really happy for her!
SERIOUSLY! Always feel proud and happy for your friends and family.
Don't ever envy them! Its their REZEKI,
your chance will come to one day!
DOA and excel in whatever you get now..

One more thing on how to feel happy in life is to never feel pressured by other people,
Sometimes peer pressure are good, but sometimes it is not!
Control ureself and keep pace with what you can do!
Do not copy others because all of us works differently.
Never feel like 'kenapa dia dpt to fly overseas and all, and all I get is stay kt Malaysia'
Girl, really?
Never think like this!
Its her rezeki!
Bersyukur with whatever u get!! Make it a success.
Some people nk sambung bljr, but they did not have enough money to study.
Some people nk sambung study, but they did not get into any university!
Bersyukur and just do ure very best in whatever field u get and wherever u are!

okay, I think thats all for today!

yours truly 💋


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