What I learned today #014

So, yesterday I learnt that everyone is different.
The way we talk, the way we smile, the way we judge ppl, the way we want to be judged, the way we eat and soo on.
Have we ever notice that sometimes,
All these things that we had been doing..
All the things we thought were okay.
Actually it wasnt.
The people we're talking to are not okay with whatever content we're talking about.
Sometimes, we think that we are always great at everything.
Everyone loves us!
No man noo.
Even if he or she is your best friend.
There must be a time where he or she felt like she was wrongly treated by you!
I've been there before.
I had a few reaaally closed friends.
And I thought we were really great together.
Until day by day, she start telling me what she felt that I did wrong to her.
I guess it was nothing when I talk that way with her.
Like everyone is okay with it. Whats wrong with ya?
But then, I realised that not everyone is the same.
Everyone had these line we called as barriers. And we should never cross these lines.
However close we are to other people, there will always be the line where no one should ever break into it.
And I will never say that she is weird.
Cause I think that she is a gift from Allah to help me to change myself!
Cause if she thinks that the way I talked made her feel sad.
Maybe she is not the only one 🙁
So, whenever a person stands up and tell u whats wrong with the way you treated them.
Always take their compaints.
If it is true, then try to be a better person!
Maybe it will be hard cause everyone has their own egos!
But, if the complaint is true. Take it with all ure heart.
Cause remember that, a good friend is the one that will advise u to make u a better person in then future!
For ppl who are like me.
Ppl who always agree on doing anything just to keep the relationship going.
Ppl who always keep everything locked inside their heart
Ppl who others always think that ure strong
Babe, the world is soooo short!
For me, why would u spoilt a relationship just because he or she wants to do something with you.
If it brings no bad side effects to u..
Even if you dislike it, but if it makes other people happy.
Why can't you just deal with it?
Why can't you just bear with what he or she wants for a little while.
Being happy cause u think u had stand on your rights but at the same time, slashing ure friends heart. Is not something I called as a great thing to do.
There are a lot of different ppl in this world.
Maybe we're supposed to be the one who always keep the relationship going

To her:
Thanks for advising me throught all the years we've known each other.
And i'm sorry that I lied to u bout the article on this blog.
I may be a tough person, but I am shy in the inside.
I may not tell u this.
But, whatever u had known bout me. Whatever I've told u throughout the years and all those things I had not. I hope u still accept me and never think that I had kept any secrets with you.
No one will ever know one's life long journey in a relationship.
Even husband and wife does not know the history of each other since their partner was a child.
They took whatever they had and build the memories together.
The past is not something that ppl like me would love to share it to the world
For me, the past is the thing that I would like to remember it alone cause telling ppl all about it will may not bring any good things to the both of us!
Let the past memories be with the person. And if he or she wants to share their life story with you.
Listen to it!
Cause its very hard for ppl like me, to tell a memory about my past with another person to a new friend who had not known me since I was a child.
"No offence cause I thought we had gone through that stage. ❤"
Yours truly ❤


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