what I learned today #010

woohoo.. i had already made 10 entries about what I did learned πŸ’–πŸ’–
so, today...
I learn something bout friendship..

Basically, my sister is quite a loner herself.. cause she doesn't have a lot of friends to hang out with.
No.. Don't get me wrong.. She's a nice girl.
Its just that she always dislike some people on their first meeting and its hard to look at the people in a positive way when she had labelled the person as a negative vibe..
Last week she even had a mental breakdown because she was quite a loner and she feel sad cause she need to clerk the patient alone.. (she's currently studying medic in UM)
So, her birthday was last week.
And yesterday, 2 of her best friends from school dm me on instagram..
They wanted to make a surprise birthday party for her πŸŽ†πŸŽ†πŸŽˆ
I felt really overwhelm because of their strong friendship..
And they are all not from the same race..
My sister is malay (of course la. lel.. ), her 2 friends were chinese and Indian.
And they were very nice to me😁😁

so, what I learn was..
Whenever you feel alone.
Remember that you always have someone behind you..
Maybe they are not always beside you. But they are there when you need them.
Friends don't need to be the person beside you at all times.
Cause we all had our different paths to walk on..
But we could still catch up once in a while and still talk like we were never even apart.
Even if you are a total loner.. You are never alone actually.
You always have a family behind you.
If not, we still have our GOD. ALLAH SWT.. remember that..

Everytime you are sad.
go back to HIM.. pour your heart out cause HE'll listen to u..

Remember that no one is ever alone.. NO ONE!!
Try to make new friends and also memories along the way..  Be more open to people. You'll meet the people that you can get along someday.
Maybe not now.. But soon you will..

thats all.
yours truly


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