What I learned today #009

So, heyy..
Last night I was quite depressed cause someone I knew condemned bout all the courses in the world. Cause she thought that only a specific course (which is the one she likes) is the best.. among the rest.

So, here I am trying to open up all of our closed mindset.. especially our parents.. auntie, uncle, sis, bro, adik2.  Bkn engineering and doctor je yg berjaya dlm dunia ni. X semestinya x dpt jdi doktor or engineering x berjaya dik oii.. semua career berjaya and dpt buat kita berjaya 🎓🎓 ..

Jgn sempitkan our pemikiran and set that we would like to be a doctor/engineer sbb tu je yg berjaya and org pandang..

Klau nak berjaya. Jgn pernah pandang rendah pada org lain.. jgn pandang rendah pd course org lain. Whatever courses yg dia amik. Its hard. Dah msk degree ni x de apa yg senang bak kata lecturer engineering UM.. so, jgn pertikaikan yg that courses x de masa dpn and whatnot. Rezeki tu kt tgn Allah 🎉 anything can happen.

Ada org yg dpt 4 flat for every sem.x dpt jgk amik medic kt UM ( cerita betul kay. Ramai dah) so, nak tunjuk yg rezeki semua kt tgn TUHAN. Whatever HE gives you, its for the best.. HE knows us more than we know ourself.. remember that. .

So, back to the topic. Semua courses are the same. Doctors look great in front of the patience. Using all the machines because engineers, architect, scientist and a whole lot of other people who build all the things.. it does not mean that they are all not important. Every courses are relatable to one another. Okay?

Keep you mind open and don't let it be too small. The world is big and lets try to be positive all the time and don't downgrade other people or courses just because you think yours are greater than them.

Thats all.
Truly yours


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