
Showing posts from 2019


Hey.. So, someone told me that I am too busy as a student. I joined way too many projects until sometimes I have no time to study and etc. How about my assignments and tutorials? My lab reports? My ME time? Well, geng. Here's the thing that you might want to ponder.. I am busy... but I chose this life I chose this 'busy' life cause I like it. I like to be able to help a community/people in any way possible I get excited to meet people of different background and socialize. Some people complained about their workload and so on. Yes, we are all busy! You and I, we both chose this 'busy' life (as you stated), But the different is, I took some time to think about my priorities and limit before I said yes.. Compared to some people who took all the chances given and in the end s/he collapsed and said that this is all soo tiring.. For me, student life is when you give your all out!! Learn a lot through joining projects/camps/talks and soo on Socialize,


Hey.. Pernah tak you dapat something unexpectedly? Like kau tak study teruk2 pun.. Tapi kau dapat A, dapat Dean's List. Kau tak pernah aim pun untuk dapat something. Tapi tiba2 kau dpt.. Pernah tak? I came across one tweet ni, Dia kata.. Selama ni dia ingat dia bijak gilaa Study biasa2, tup tup dpt Dean's List.. Rupanya baru dia sedar, tula power of a mother's Doa And memang kita tak expect pun, tpi sbb you mom doakan for you, so Allah bagi Aq takut tau nak apply JPA dlu.. Sebab aq rasa aq x sepandai itu utk dpt JPA.. Tapi, know what? Aq dpt.. Not scholarship, tapi still pinjaman pun dah Alhamdulillah 😇😇 Tbh, aq pun x igt aq ada apply JPA cause mmg aq igt aq tkt nk apply sbb aq rasa aq x pandai.. Tapi well, aq tau mesti mak aq ada doa utk aq berjaya And yes, aq dpt.. Mmg shock namati cause I tak expect langsung.. Even time exam, ofc la aq study namati kan.. Sape je tak Tapi sometimes aq x expect result aq se'good' itu Tula one of the kebaika


Hey.. So, as you may or may not know, I have an uncle who's down syndrome He's not a kid okay, he's nearly 50 (49 to be exact) And yet, he can't do anything on his own! He can't wash his own clothes in the washing machine cause he don't know which button to push He can't wash his own dishes without spilling water and food all over the sink and floor He can't pour his own drink without spilling and won't clean it back up He can't drive, can't walk alone And trillion other things that he can't do because of his disabilities So, here I am enjoying my not even one month holiday with him staying with us Well, tbh if he's normal. I won't really care soo much cause he can eat/wash dishes by himself But because he can't, so my holidays actually consist of me babysitting him 😒 It's different when you babysit a kid/toddler, cause you know they'll listen to you Even if there's tantrum/screaming, you know an ic


Hey As a girl, I don't think that having your period is a golden ticket to be extra mad/emo to other people. But damn girl, I feel it now 😭😭 I becamepun extra emo, extra moody.. Its not something that I planned to do  But if things aren't going my way.. If people keep on being late and not on time If people keep on not doing their work and not taking it responsibly I became extra emotional this past few days! Yes! I agree that this is all hormonal stuffs And you should not be too emo cause everyone have feelings too Not just you But geng, this is call common sense You made a date/appointment with a person, make sure you're 100% free at that time If you aren't, at least tell them a day before so that s/he can have another plan.. Change the timing or change your schedule. Its not that hard! Do your job as you should You get all the fame, all the title But in the end, your contribution is only 30%. Where's the other 70%.. Its made by other pe


Hi. So, yesterday me and my friends lepak kt Nasi Lemak Anjing till like 2am... One of our stories were about love and crushes.. So then, we begin talking bout trust issues and some people are just too nice in this life and we can't really be too nice with people cause this world is harsh.. Although I know that thats the truth, but I asked them a question, " If we know that this world is evil and harsh, then why can't we be the nice one?" Like... Kenapa kita x start dlu? Kenapa we have to be like other people? Why kita nk sama dgn diorg?? Allah said, " be nice to other people even when they're not nice to you!" Thats how Islam teaches us to be! Right now, I am a secretary for one one of UM's project.. So, what I learned from this things is that.. We know our limit! And basically everyone should know that all people have their patience limit. You should know until when can you push him/her until she bursts.. And also, before you think


Hey... So, just feel like wanna write something down. You know when someone is alone and you think that s/he is a loner Well guys. Think again Sometimes some people (including me) need some me time or some time alone We just would like to have some time for us to think, or to sit around and enjoy the nature alone It doesn't have to be a frequent thing to do.. Like for me, I need some me time especially when I am deeply stressed out/had just finished a tiring week/day It just some time to make me recharged my battery and enjoy my life again We may seem like we do not have much friends at that moment But we do We are the ones who choose to be alone at that time to feel our presence. To appreciate ourselves cause who else will appreciate us? Am i right? There's no such things as being called as a loner when you're walking/eating alone Its just your thoughts/feelings No one really cares if you eat alone Its just your insecurities Thats all. Seriously! I


Disclaimer: I do not have any intention to open anyone's aib.. I'm just telling my story.  Hye Do you have friends that adore your family? That always say how your familys' bond are really strong, and you guys are really caring towards each other? Well, I had lots of friends that thought my family was perfect, the caring family, the most lovable family members anyone could have..  But guys, however you see MY family as perfect, it isn't. And will never be cause there's no such thing as a perfect family all the time cause human itself am not perfect Yes, we may look perfect from time to time.  But, to look at it in the time line of a whole, no we're not.  Us, siblings? I may say we're close because we had too We had always watched our parent fought since I was a kid and that thought us that, we need to be close. We need to take care of each other We need to love each other Cause when the quarrel starts, we only had US in the end


Assalamualaikum and Hi So, lately there's a viral video going around about the Earth is almost going to rotate the other way around. And this caught the idealisation of scientist that if the Earth is going to rotate in the other direction.. thus that means the sun is going to rise in the other direction as well? Does this makes you think of something? The end of the world.. Kiamat.. Akhirat Ladies and gentleman, this past few days had been tiring for me.. Like really tiring I was tired of people, of this world basically Being held responsible for a project when I'm not the actual leader Being asked to do soo many things on short notice Have a hard examination and at the same time am pissed with some people who kept on complaining about petty things Then after listening bout this phenomenon, I realised that all of these things we're currently going through are all duniawi The end is coming to us Why are we still obsessed with the dunya? Why don't we al


Hey, Do you remember when we, girls, always feel like we're the same with guys. In every aspect including strength. Well, I was like that too (last time) 😂 Until yesterdays' programme. So, for that programme, we had to kemas back all the hundred tables, chairs, mike, stage, etc into the lorry So, at that moment, there's not enough guys. So, I went to helped them out And at that time, I was like.. Lolll, I know I'm quite strong. 😂😂😂 Although I can't carry heavy things like 10 chairs at once, but at least I helped to carry 3 chairs at once. So, after we finished everything. There's one more lorry that need to be unload and there's literally no one there except me. And I was like, wth x kan nak I angkat sorg I know my limit 😅 So, I waited for at least a guy to help out cause dlm lori tu is chairs and long tables. And I know I can't carry that much So, after a few minutes, some guys came So, I carried it with them At that time, we w


Heyy.. Yesterday was havoc gila.. penat gilaa. But it was totally worth it gila! Tengok diorg senyum, happy and nampak bonding ajk pun kuat. It felt like semua penat2 ni was totally worth it! So, yesterday we had our Lawatan Mega Baitul Bahiyah!! It was fun gilaa. Tapi I rasa sedih dkt my 4 kids! ( I have kids okay 😂) Irfan, Hussien, Lisa and Faimah.. Akak mintk maaf x ada dgn korg all the time. I'm sorry!! So, what do we do during lawatan. Here's the full recap of the story on my side! Jom!! So, kitaorg gerak at 6.45 am! Kitaorg kena amik tajaan, so awal la 😂 Basically ada 6 kereta, 3 bas and 1 van.. Semua gerak pagi to dua madrasah, kepong and sungai buloh. So, after kitaorg amik mknn tajann untuk makan pagi, kitaorg direct gi madrasah sg buloh, ya Allah, byk betul dugaan 😂😂 Jalan berlopak teruk sampai x tau lubang tu dalam ke x. Takut gila! pastu tiber jalan nk keluar x leh keluar 😰😰 Tapi thank God sampai jgk madrasah on time. Thanks to Kacah'


Hi, Just wanna say that there's nothing wrong with smiling or having fun! Seriously! Why do you need to waste a day being grumpy? being mad? being sad... When you could smile and be happy and bersyukur with your current state. Even if it is a very bad day. Try to at least smile 😁 It will make your day brighter You do not need a person to make you smile. Be that person by yourself. Take yourself out, bring yourself to a cinema to watch a movie, spend time with yourself. Be happy with yourself 💗 That's called self love And it feel soo calming and your day will be brighter. Trust me! Once upon a time, I was a kid who are always stress with life. With soo much reponsibility and soo on. Until one day, I learned that you can't do anything for the past nor the future What you can do, is change the moment. the NOW! So, live the moment and be HAPPY! There's nothing wrong with it! Peace out. Your happy-go-lucky girl! 💋


Hey 👋 So, yesterday I realised something. I realized how grateful I am supposed to be with my life.. With all the rezeki that Allah had gave to me. All the struggles that he had gave that make me into who I am today. Yesterday, we talked bout how life was hard for some of my friends until 3 am. Some of them had friends issues. Some had study issues. Some struggle with their parents who had high expectations for them And I was reminded by how bless my life is. I always have friends beside me. Most of the time, I will always be accompanied. Although they are more of a collegue than friends are. But yeah, I always have some company with me. Eventhough I was being tested, I can still see some positive things cause I always think positively. When they were talking bout their hardship, I can't imagine myself in their position. Being left by someone who you thought will be your friends till graduate? But they leave you dangling alone. Being blacklisted from projects j


Hi.. Idek why, but suddenly I was thinking about why some people accept some position in a project. Is it to fulfill their responsibility to create a better world or is it just to catch a quick popularity? Right now, in my university, our voting day is nearer. In the next few days, all the candidates will be having their manifestos and soo on. It will be a hard week for them all and is it for a good cause? Or just for themselves? Is it cause they want to take a huge responsibility to change the way things are to be better for everyone, or is it just them? Before we took any position in anything, we have to really think it through! Can we nail it? Can we do it without jeopardising our final's result, cgpa? Do you think you can? I always think about this whenever I got the opportunity to hold any position (not every time tbh. Cause smtms I don't get to choose 😐) But whatever it is, we need to think it through. Be it just being an ajk, or even Majlis Tertinggi (MT


Assalamualaikum and hey guys! So, I just wanna write bout our trip to Korea. It was a short notice plan. loll 😂 But, yeah. We got to have the best out of every situation, aitee. So, here's what we did during our EXACTLY 72 HOURS in KOREA! I've put some tips along the way to make sure you at least have a better vacation than us! or the same pun dah cukup okay! 😊 overly excited to tell yaal the story 😂😂 So, that time was our one week holiday. x igt cuti apatah, but its a one week hols. So, cause kitaorg semua cuti lain2 timing, we took the opportunity to have fun and take a rest jap.. Our flight was at 2.15 PM from KLIA. So, usually we'll take ETS ja to KLIA. But then, too much luggage and all. So, we parked our car kt KLIA trus, It was expensive yeahh. 😣 Okk, wanna know who I met there 😂😂 my SESERI teachers.. lolzzzz This planet is soo big and yet we could bumped into each other in the surau. lolzz And whats more exciting. We're in the