So, just feel like wanna write something down.
You know when someone is alone and you think that s/he is a loner
Well guys. Think again
Sometimes some people (including me) need some me time or some time alone
We just would like to have some time for us to think, or to sit around and enjoy the nature alone
It doesn't have to be a frequent thing to do..
Like for me, I need some me time especially when I am deeply stressed out/had just finished a tiring week/day
It just some time to make me recharged my battery and enjoy my life again

We may seem like we do not have much friends at that moment
But we do
We are the ones who choose to be alone at that time to feel our presence.
To appreciate ourselves cause who else will appreciate us?
Am i right?

There's no such things as being called as a loner when you're walking/eating alone
Its just your thoughts/feelings
No one really cares if you eat alone
Its just your insecurities
Thats all. Seriously!

I've tried eating/walking/jogging/shopping alone
And at times, yes it felt really lonely
But at points, I really like it!
That is the time for me to appreciate myself, appreciate my body and just use the time for ME!
We need to love ourselves to ensure that we are happy

For me, there's nothing wrong with spoiling yourself
Not to the limit of being a spoilt brat, but just enjoy yourself sometimes
Buy the food you want to eat, buy the perfume that you had an eyes on for months
Buy those plushies you had set your heart too
Buy those shawl/earrings/whatever things that you wanted to have in your wardrobe for centuries
You ARE ALLOWED to buy things for yourselves!

So, be happy always 😎


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