So, yesterday me and my friends lepak kt Nasi Lemak Anjing till like 2am...
One of our stories were about love and crushes..
So then, we begin talking bout trust issues and some people are just too nice in this life and we can't really be too nice with people cause this world is harsh..
Although I know that thats the truth, but I asked them a question,
" If we know that this world is evil and harsh, then why can't we be the nice one?"
Like... Kenapa kita x start dlu?
Kenapa we have to be like other people?
Why kita nk sama dgn diorg??
Allah said, " be nice to other people even when they're not nice to you!"
Thats how Islam teaches us to be!

Right now, I am a secretary for one one of UM's project..
So, what I learned from this things is that..
We know our limit! And basically everyone should know that all people have their patience limit.
You should know until when can you push him/her until she bursts..

And also, before you think of taking any position
Try to think if you can handle the issues and also the big responsibilities that'll come with it.
For this project, I am the secretary. But at the same time, I am the one who did 80% of the bendahari's works...
I know that I shouldn't do his job for him
Tapi the thing is.. If I didn't. Who will??
Aq rasa dah byk projek/assignment yg aq buat, lastly I'm the one who's doing other people's jobs cause they don't have the integrity/responsibility in their life..
Some people tend to take responsibility carelessly and when the work comes after them, they run away and let other people handle the mess 😒😒

I'm not saying that we need to take anyone's job just cause they aren't doing it properly.
I'm saying that.. before we take a position/jobs, we need to make sure we're ready for all the responsibilities, the stay up to finish all the workloads.
Don't just take it carelessly just for the sake of title/merits/fame..
It shouldn't be like that..

So, after doing his job for 2 weeks.
I became more emotional towards him..
And one day, I burst!
Like I know its unhealthy and all.
Tapi aq mmg jenis simpan, lastly dah x leh simpan... then, emo la 😂

When people asked me, " ish kau ni. X de keje ke tlg buatkan kerja dia? Kesian aq tgk kau.. Dah la keje SU mmg dah byk, pastu buat kerja Bendahari lak."
Hmm girl, what I can tell u is, if aq x buat. Siapa lagi nak buat?
Aq jenis yg x kisah tlg buatkan.. Asal benda tu settle!
Even if benda tu bkn kerja aq, tpi if dia sendiri x de rasa berslh nk buatkan. Aq blh buatkan!
Tapi if melebih2 lak, mmg emo arh..

Tapi in life, aq pgg this quotes , "whats wrong with being nice to bad people?"
Mcm aq ckp la, whats wrong if aq tlg buatkan.. Mmg la kau nampak mcm kerja aq menggunung, kau yg x buat kerja aq pun nampak aq dah penat
Apatah lagi aq..
I know that I'm tired physically and emotionally
Tapi aq slalu ckp kt diri aq, sokay! Ure doing this cause ure stronger than him/her yg tgglkan this kerja!
You're not as selfish as him/her are.
Do this for your unit/biro/project!!

One of my bad side is.. Aq sgt workaholic!
I can work for hours and still be okay!
When some of my friends dah start focus untuk cari jodoh and all right now
Aq still join all these fac/kolej/uni projects sbb aq suka!
I know its not good.
Sbbtu aq perlukan someone yg fhm aq ni workaholic and he understands me
I know how to sort my time between work and family. So, no worries! ✌
and I believe in this too
for me, there's nothing wrong for being a workaholic. Seriously!
If you enjoy working, then why not?
I enjoy it! I love it! I make new family and friends through projects and works!
It gives pleasure to me and makes me happy
So, why  not? 😄
Tapi make sure you know your boundaries
Always put time for family and friends as well!
Never put them aside
Work will always be there, but not family
not friends!

Yours truly 💙


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