
As a girl, I don't think that having your period is a golden ticket to be extra mad/emo to other people.
But damn girl, I feel it now 😭😭

I becamepun extra emo, extra moody..
Its not something that I planned to do
 But if things aren't going my way..
If people keep on being late and not on time
If people keep on not doing their work and not taking it responsibly
I became extra emotional this past few days!

Yes! I agree that this is all hormonal stuffs
And you should not be too emo cause everyone have feelings too
Not just you

But geng, this is call common sense
You made a date/appointment with a person, make sure you're 100% free at that time
If you aren't, at least tell them a day before so that s/he can have another plan..
Change the timing or change your schedule.
Its not that hard!

Do your job as you should
You get all the fame, all the title
But in the end, your contribution is only 30%.
Where's the other 70%..
Its made by other people who love this organisation/project soo much that they did your work when YOU went out and had fun!
Its your job initially, but it became a burden to others cause you're not doing it!

Listen when other people's are talking!
Life doesnt rotate around a person.
If you want people to listen to you
You do the same to others
Don't think that you're so superior. So up there that you forget.
This people that you didn't listen to, they're the one who did 90% of the jobs..
You think you are way on top cause people recognised you. Cause people praised you
But man, you got all the praises cause you got the job as the head.. people may look at you and praise you.
But its all worthless if the people who worked for you didn't get acknowledge at all..
Cause in the end, without them.. you're nothing. Zero!

Respect people's time and we'll respect yours as well!
Life is easy actually
But people like this are the one who make it soooo damn complicated!
Live life as easy as you can!
But at the same time, do all the things that you had responsibility on.
Dont't just let go of it cause u wanted an easy life.
Don't make it complicated but be responsible.



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