Assalamualaikum and hey guys!
So, I just wanna write bout our trip to Korea. It was a short notice plan. loll 😂
But, yeah. We got to have the best out of every situation, aitee.
So, here's what we did during our EXACTLY 72 HOURS in KOREA!
I've put some tips along the way to make sure you at least have a better vacation than us! or the same pun dah cukup okay! 😊

overly excited to tell yaal the story 😂😂

So, that time was our one week holiday. x igt cuti apatah, but its a one week hols.
So, cause kitaorg semua cuti lain2 timing, we took the opportunity to have fun and take a rest jap..

Our flight was at 2.15 PM from KLIA. So, usually we'll take ETS ja to KLIA. But then, too much luggage and all. So, we parked our car kt KLIA trus, It was expensive yeahh. 😣
Okk, wanna know who I met there 😂😂 my SESERI teachers.. lolzzzz
This planet is soo big and yet we could bumped into each other in the surau. lolzz
And whats more exciting. We're in the same flight to Korea as well 😂😂



So, back to the story. Our flight took of at 2.15 PM and we arrived there at 8.35PM . The weather there was chill, not freaking cold yet. It was 12°C. So, it was okay for the first touchdown weather.. 

We went straight to the hotel. My dad booked a Malaysian tour guide for us. His name is Abang Ahmad (Bang Mat). His wife is taking her PHD/master in Korea, I can't remember. But he's really nice kot!

TIPS 101
Always call your hotel or guesthouse before booking it. Ask them wether car/van could go until the front door or not. Because most guesthouse is on top of the hill. So, if you ter book the one on top of the hills where cars cant enter. Then you have to walk to the bottom of the hill to get to your car. 

Thank God our guesthouse was under the bukit. Unless you're taking a hotel, most guesthouses are ON TOP of mountains. So, pick wisely!

2nd day:

So, we head out from our house at 9.15 AM. Time ni it was 6°C. Yeah, cold gila!!
But still manageable!
We went to Gyeokbokgung Palace. First thing that happen is the exchanging of guards ceremony. Where the guards will change their posts with musics and stuffs. 
The palace was a lot like the drama one. Where they have house? for the queen, prince, king and slaves. 
There's srlsy a lot of place to get good photos. SRS!

Then, just beside this palace, there's National Palace Museum of Korea. 
Basically there's a story and history of this palace inside here.
Owh and in Korea, they have Coway dispenser water and its served in paper cup. 
Not our ordinary paper cup. It's thin and berlipat like paper, so, when u filled it up, u can feel like its gonna tumpah if u let it be in the cup for too long 😂 (idk how to explain. lol. )

Next up, we went to Kampungku Restaurant for lunch.
Its a Malaysian restaurant but they sell Korean food as well
And sumpah sedap!!
You should definitely try their chicken if you're going to Korea/this restaurant. Srsly sedap!
And if you're a student in Korea, this is a place to meet other Malaysian ppl!
Cause even when we went there, there were like 3/4 family/students eating there as well.
There's also a place to pray there. So, senang skit. After lunch then pray. Then we can continue our journey!


Then, we went to Namsangol Traditional Garden. 

TIPS 101
This place is closed on Monday 😂😂

And we went there on Monday. lolz!
Not our tour guide's fault cause we only have 72 hours in Korea. So, yeah..
Basically if you go in there, it shows how the traditional house in Korea was back in the late days..
The higher rank and also the lower rank houses..

After that, we went to Namsan Tower. We rode a bus to go to the tower. And inside the bus, we could feel how the locals were. 
The journey took almost half an hour. It was nice to see Korea the local way! You get to see how the locals behave and also get to see the scenery of Korea as well. 

TIPS 101
If you don't know how to read Korean language, the orange/yellow chair is for elderly people 😀

I don't know how to read. So, yeah. I sat on that chair until Bang Mat told me that I should not sit there. lolz

Namsan Tower is not that high. Basically Menara Taming Sari is way taller. You could pay if you wanna go up and see Korea from a bird's eye view. But we didn't cause we thought that its a waste of money. Plus u could just walk/ take the lift to the top level and u can already see the scenery from above. Its the same things. So yeah. You get to choose 😊
Namsan Tower is also called a lovebird place. Basically there's heart locks along the way. There's also several shops that sell locks for you to write your name and your bae/husband/gf/bf/wife or you yourself cause you're lonely. lolz nayh. Don't do that. Go and buy ice cream instead 😂😂

When we wanna go back, we rode the bus back to our car. Cause its already evening, you could actually smell the alcohol in the bus. Cause its cold and Korean people drink alcohol to make their body hotter. So, normal local stuffs. 

Then we went to Korean Culture Exhibition. Here, you could see and also try Korean hanbok for free. If you wanna rent it outside, its quite expensive. But you can wear it to take real pictures outside. But for us, this will do! You get to wear a hanbok each (maximum 5 person), and you get to take a picture with it. As long as its free, then why not!? ❤
Each level in this building is for different culture. 
The first level is for food culture. So, you could see their spices, their foods and soo on. 
On level 2, there's a place for you to try and make your own Korean food. (we didn't try this out cause its not halal if you use their chicken and stuffs) 
Level 3, there's the hanbok place and also their national items such as keychains and other things. 
Btw, you can't take any picture of the national item cause its exclusive and not for public (exclude us) 😂

TIPS 101
Do not rent hanbok if you wanna save money. Go to Korean Culture Exhibition to try it out for free. 

Its already night at this time, so, we went to a lantern festival. Its quite near to the Exhibition Center. The lantern festival is allocated along a river and its very nice. Its not really a lantern, its basically figures of people/cartoons and some are showing the Korean lifestyles which was light up with lampu-lampu that seems like  a lantern. But it did  not fly away of course.. 

Then, we went to Gosame for dinner. Its a Korean restaurant that sells fish,
So, we eat it their way. Which is steam fish with rice.. Tapi not all of us pandai guna chopstick, so we used fork and spoon. lolz
Even I know how to use chopstick, but not the one there cause its all metal and soo thin. I can't even hold it properly. lolz

3rd day:
So, the third day is specifically for playing. We always gonna have a day in our tour itinerary for playing only. 
So, we went to Everland, which is like Disneyland.. But it have other costumes and not Mickey and Minney mouse.
The theme park was quite far, so we went out quite early and its 18°C on that day. So, like always, we went and play from morning till night.
There's a really old roller coaster that you need to try if ure going here.
The oldest roller coaster made entirely of wood. Yeah wood only!!!!
But its safe la loll
They had instill some bolts and metal along the way but the structures for the railing was still entirely of wood!
Usually the queue gonna be 2 hours. But because we went there during school days, so, we only queue for 40 minutes. 
Don't forget to take a ride using the ski cable car. There's other games up there too!! So, dont forget to go up there.
Kitaorg first2 igt x de pape atas tu, just scenery. Tibe2, byk lak mainan atas tu 😂😂 nasib baik naik. lolz
There's also a small surau in that park.. But then, dia campur laki perempuan. So, pandai2 la. What we did was, we went there as a family, and the first people yg siap solat, tggu kt luar incase anyone nk msk. You can tell them to wait since there are girls who obviously need time to betulkan our tudung!

TIP 101:
If you book you're ticket online, ie. klook or other websites,
u may get fast ticket to some games such as the roller coaster and some other exciting games. So, it saves ure playing time!
Don't forget to bring your jacket along if you wanna stay till night.
Cause its cold as hell there during night time!

We went to a burger shop for lunch. For muslim, you can ask for fish burger. Its really BIG!!! and sedap gila! Maybe cause I'm hungry and its cold. So, everything seems sedap lolz.. Its expensive la. FYI!

We bought 6 fish burgers, some fries and coke.. equal to RM200.00 so, yeah! Tapi cause our trip mmg include food. So yeah!

After finish playing, its time to go back home. We stopped at a mosque in Itaewon which is like Masjid Negara. Tapi its not open 24/7. So, cause bila kitaorg pergi, Isya' dah lama habis. So, its closed already. 😓

Near the mosque, there's a street filled with food restaurants. There's Arab cuisine, Asian cuisine, Western and also Korean of course!
So, we had our dinner at Zaffan. It was 8°C at that time. So yeah, freezing cold!
Zaffan is an arabic restaurant. So, there's roti naan which was superb delicious!!! There's also nasi arab and other typical Arab cuisine food

4th day aka last day
We went to Nami Island on this day. The weather srs nice on that day and it 15°C. So, its a nice weather to walk.. 

So, we took the first ship to that Island. Srsly waktu kitaorg sampai, there's no one there! We had plenty of time nk amik gambar kt depan tu, at the signboard and also with the tress. Our tour guide, Bang Mat suruh cpt skit cause he said nanti 2nd boat sampai, penuh. And yeah, the 2nd boat was packed with people!!!
So, we hurried and go deeper into the forest. And lagi cantik rupanya,,
The leaves was brighter, the tress was nicer and plenty more!!
This is also the place for Winter Sonata. So, if u wanna have full experience, maybe u could watch Winter Sonata before going to Nami Island. 😚

We had our lunch at Yeongga Lunch Box where we ate inside a lunch box like local people did. We need to shake the lunch box before we eat so that all the ingredients (sayur, halal sosej, sambal) are well mixed. Makan time panas2 and the food was steaming hot, srs sedap!! We ate outside since dalam penuh with people. But its still nice and warm since its not very cold also. 

TIPS 101:
If you wanna take a lot of pics, be there early! Take the first ship to the island cause if not, the island will be pack with people and u can't even take a proper pics!

Last stop is Namdaemon. Srsly people, you need to try their fish cake before you go back to your homeland!! Fish cake diorg like lain from ours! Sedap gilaaaaaaaaaa... And also try their fresh fruits, srs fresh!! Namdaemon is like a flea market kinda. They sell shirts, foods, fruits, shoes, winter cloth and so on. If you know where to find a cheap spot, you'll get a winter coat for RM25.. 😂😂 Srsly , my mom bought hers and srs cantik! The shirts pun not quite expensive. Standard price la rather than beli in mall! Plus, you can also buy keychains/presents for your loved ones. Most of the seller know how to speak Malay. They'll call you "mari mari. murah murah" 😂😂 typical Malaysian loves to go shopping right? lolz

Our last dinner was at a korean restaurant. Bang Mat wants us to feel how its like eating in a traditional Korean style. So, he brought us to a shop where we need to sit on the floor and not on chairs. The food was 100% Korean food and it was daebak! Especially the fish and egg! 

So, there goes our 72 Hours trip in Korea. Can you believe it? lolz 😂😂

Here's the video of ou trip to Korea.

see ya next time..
yours truly ❤


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