well, post ni untuk adik-adik yg maybe ada impian nk msk asrama in the future days ..

hmm, sape tau SESERI tu sklh apa? well, apparently ramai x tau actually eventhough our school is located in the heart of KL. like srsly, betul-betul depan bangunan UMNO. haha :)

well, life kt asrama ni is not as tough as u guys might heard from other ppl. basically, perasaan dia mcm sklh biasa. hmm, cane nk ckp ehh. dia mcm u go to school every morning and meet your friends. tpi, the best part is, mmg korg jumpa the same friend 24/7. haha. especially klau korg ada kawan yg satu dorm, satu kelas, satu badan unit beruniform and also satu rumah sukan. haha :) tu mmg havoc. cause my best friend and I mmg mcm tu since form 4 until form 5. haha

basically, klau nk citer life kt SESERI or any boarding school is quite hard. mcm korg kena experience sendiri la. tpi apa yg i can say is that. awal-awal mmg rsa like susah gila, cam nk drop everything and lari blk rumah. haha.. lagi-lagi bila ada senior psycho ke, kwn x suka kita ke. well, normal human stuff la. tpi bila dah lama-lama kat asrama, bila time nk blk rumah,, huishh peluk kwn tu mcm cuti panjang sgt je. haha. padahal seminggu ja pun. :P

mmg tu la lumrah bdk asrama. especially bila dah last year which is form 5 and tulah last day nk mkn sama-sama kt dewan makan or DM. tu lah last blh tido satu katil ngan kwn-kwn.. jgn pikir lain ehh. haha :P last day nk citer hantu ngan diorg.

actually klau korg teringin nk msk boarding school tpi tkt ghost and such stuffs. rilex la, I am the same as u guys when I was in form 1. mmg nangis time tau cikgu bgi surat tawaran interview. haha. interview bru.. ceh :P tpi tula tkt sgt ngan hantu. haha

but then, i didnt regret la x msk time form 1. cause actually for me. form 1 till 3 tu la masa berharga ngan family. cause time tu mcm kita semua bru hit puberty. emotion pun x stabil lagi so, nk berdikari mmg susah..

bila dah hbs PT3, bru rasa nk challenge diri pergi boarding school. waktu tu, ada interview kuota pengetua.. so, I dpt pggl gi interview. the hilarious thing is waktu gi sklh tu, gigih la kluar rumah pukul 5 pagi kot cause drive ngan ayah gi Kl.. so, solat subuh pun kt R&R. haha  tpi, everything is fine. but then, time tu pergi pkai bju sklh. so, since I am a librarian kt sklh lama which is Tarcisian Convent School, Ipoh. bju tu warna maroon. bila pergi sklh tu like srsly rsa like awkward gila cause pengawas kt sklh tu punya bju species sama warna maroon.. like srsly sama semua :) haha

Alhamdulillah, dapat SMS Seri Puteri, Kuala Lumpur.. that time, I ddk kt Perak. so, time daftar tu mmg my parents dah ajar naik LRT and KTM from sklh nk gi KL central cane. haha.. bila time first cuti which is like 1 month after daftar.. mmg tkt la nk blk sendiri naik train. like kena kluar sklh, then jln kaki sampai LRT.. nasib LRT dekat je ngan sklh. haha :P tu la untung sklh SESERI. semua dekat. hotel depan sklh. shopping sunway putra depan sklh. LRT and KTM dpn sklh. mcm where ever u wanna go. semua ada dpn sklh. just grab LRT or KTM and pergi je mana-mana. haha

basically, staying in a boarding school is not easy. it is tough as hell. tpi, at the end, bila dah hbs SPM. feeling dia cam sedih gila nk tggl sklh tu even time 1 month after daftar, mcm benci gila everything bout that school. haha.sbb time tu bru nk adapt dgn surrounding bgn awal and all. hmm. thats all. :P

friends are importantπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’“πŸ’“

Do click here if u wanna read more about SESERI ✌

yours truly


  1. Replies
    1. Hi awak πŸ– mknn? Akak bwk storage box. So, ltk dlm locker ja πŸ˜‚ tpi time GI (general inspection), bwk trn ltk dkt bilik kopi tu...

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