Something I learned today #004

Hi! 😂
So, today i'll like to share bout MOVE ON!! 💚💚
So, yeah! Its not always that I wrote smthg bout feelings and such..
So, first off..
Let's handle the worldwide misconception that girls and boys can't just be great friends..
Actually, we can! I can even put myself as an example here..
Like srsly..
How did I know this will work out..
Well, I for sure did not like him like, like like 😂
And he told me bout a girl he's crushing on and its definitely not me 😂😂.. although I don't know who she is.. but yeah! I just knew that it wasn't me 😂.. cause I know her tuto classes and it is not mine. So yeah!
Girls and boys can just be 'friends' and not more than that.. we can!
So, now.. lets talk bout moving on..
You know when u like someone and u started stalking them online and such?
Well, no worries.. I've been there done that 😂
We will wait till he DM, ws or sms us first.
We do not care if he doesn't like us back.. but if he does 🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂
But then one day, you'll have to move on eventually..
Its either he had a gf or future wife or you just had had enough..
For me, this is the first boy that I had a crushed on for the loooooongest time.. lets say 5 months?? 😂😂 lol.. sorry klau x lama like uolss..
I moves on cause I think enough is enough..
Yeahh. I've heard rumours that he likes me too.. and he had asked for my phone no but I didn't let my friends gave it to him.. but we still DM each other smtms..
Smtms I'll wait and think when will he DM me 😂 but yeah.. the smtms is like once in a blue moon 😂..
So, after 5 months of ( I never stalked him okay! Never! I'm not a fan of stalking other ppls life) idk? Having a crushed on him.. I finally think its time to move on!
If he doesn't like you/me, then its time to let go and move on!
If he really wants you, he'll for sure give you some sign that he's attracted to you just like you were to him 💚 ..
If not, then just let go!
I'm saying bout really moving on kay.. bkn move on skjp2..
I've been having that lately.. like smtms rsa cam nak move on.. tetiba tersgkt blk 😑...
Lel.  Whatever it is.. if you think that you've had enough time wasted on him. Then move on!..
Who knows. By letting him out of your mind. You can suddenly see someone else who had looked at you from afar 😂 for a long time .. give other ppl a chance to know you.. 😃
Bunga bkn sekuntum and kumbang bkn seekor 🎉💚
Cinta monyet hanyalah mainan perasaan. Jgn diendahkan sgt. Belajar erti mengenal penat lelah belajar dan membalas jasa ibu bapa dahulu.. bru la cinta akan menyusul..
Time degree bru cunn nak cri life partner.. this is what my mom said to me ALWAYS 😂😂 ..
So, for now.. study dlu and move on from all these crushes . 😂

Peace.. signing out ✌


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