something I learn today #001

Assalamualaikum and hi.. ✋
so, my dad suggest that i used my blog to actually write about what I learn everyday just to keep track of my life and also as a life journal.. something that I can read back when I'm old afterwards.
so, i thought it was a great idea. so, this is the first!

so, i went to a tazkirah just now.
and the speaker was PU Akram.

He told us about one of his rule.. which is I.M.A.N.
so, lets start one by one..

I which means ILMU..
people nowadays are striving towards success, victory.
And basically all of these comes by having ILMU. by having knowledge.
Without knowledge, we are nothing.
I can't remember who said this,
but he said,
"  knowledge without brain are better than having brain without knowledge"
Although we are actually striving to be the best among all our friends or coworkers. we need to remember that the basis of Islam is actually to help each other.
If for example, we are an expert on certain subjects / fields.. try to help out our friends too.
Don't be successful alone. But, grab your friends with you.
because, " two heads are better than one"
still can't remember who said this 😁😂
and eventhough we are searching for knowledge, know that our aim in this world is actually to obey ALLAH and do what HE asked us to do.
Dunia ini hanya persinggahan. bukan perhentian lagi. Syurga atau Neraka menanti kita di sana.

So, next. M for MASJID.
Nowadays, most people in the masjid are all old poeples..
where are all the teenagers? kids? young adults?
where are all of you guys? where is US??
where do you think our generation go??
when will all these stops?
when you're old and can't barely do anything?
is it?
muhasabah right now and lets strive to be better.
this world is quite short. use it wisely.
even I'm not perfect. and it will take a looonng time and practise and I'll not even be as perfect as our prophet Rasulullah.
try going to Mesir for example.
most of the people in the masjid/surau. are all teenagers and young adults.
we called our country a muslim country. but all I can see are muslim people but no real Islam principle inside us. I'm not just talking bout anyone. I'm also talking bout improving myself as well.

the kids today are very different from the olden days.
even in my generation, the Y generation.
the late 90's kids..
even not all of us have the best akhlak.
all I can say bout the teenagers nowadays is,
we are becoming just like the people who lived before Rasulullah himself.
where sex is everywhere. where girls became a sex slave..
where is humanity? I'm not talking bout women's rights and all.
Rasulullah asked us to protect women. Not making us as human's slave.
the practise had actually stop in the early 60's if I'm not mistaken in Europe countries.
so, why are we actually doing it all over again?
brother and sisters,
I'm pleading and begging for us all to actually change to be a better person.
not just you, but us!
we need to jaga our akhlak with everyone especially parents and teachers..
I can talk all day about being nice to our parents and all. but I won't.
I'm just gonna write an example of someone I'm quite closed to:

so, this example is about my friend (lets call her D for daughter) and her mom ( M for mom )
so, her mom always called her every night to ask bout herself. unlike most of us who needs to call our parents cause if we don't. no one will. so, everytime her mom called her, she will reply in a harsh tone. and it makes me and my other friends to feel annoyed about her. cause girl, thats your mom you're talking to. where's your respect??  one day, my other friend had cried cause she can't tahan listening to D talking to her mom... its really harsh and wrong. you can' t treat your parents as your friends.

next , teachers, lecturers. basically anyone who teaches you to be someone!
we should know that our standard are way below theirs.
so, never talk badly bout them. cause then, you'll not get their berkat.
berkat is very important guys!

lastly, N is for Nabi.
set prophet Rasulullah as your idol and example.
let me give you an example,
nowadays there's a lot of fashion trends here and there.
well, we don't have to follow the trends if it contradicts from the way our Prophet asked us to wear.
especially the muslimah.
why do most of our species wear tudung. but it didn't cover what should be covered?
i can't really understand this scenario where you wore your tudung to cover your hair and not your chest?
although it is the trend rn, but we should not follow anything that is not following the syariat!!
common guys, we can change to be better!!

if we, the teenagers don't change rn.
we can actually predict the future.
where the government are corrupted as the principle is not based on Islam.
more babies without father are being born.
kids tend to scold or annoyed with their parents. parents became slave to their kids.
and many more!!
let's change now to beome a better person and muslim/ah in the future.


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