
Showing posts from January, 2018

What I learned today #011

Hey y'all. Hmm. So, what I learned today is kinda sad. Do u know how it feels like when someone u care about is having a problem with another person whom u cared about too. Then, u can't do anything to help cause they are all grownups and they need to solve things by themselves.. which is by talking. Not talking and just keeping all the emotions to themselves will not solve anything guys.. Well, marriage is not all beds and roses right.. Hard days will always come. And surely all the hard days will go away one day.. Sometimes, we can't interfere or help them cause its their problem. We as kids. Can only be a good children and not let them be more angrier than what they feel now. Well, thats why people always say. Go shopping first before u choose the right spouse or wife. Cause even when you guys got into a fight.. You'll be in good terms again cause u guys had love each other ones.. Love is a strong relationship. Tipu if I say I x pernah like anyone.

what I learned today #010

woohoo.. i had already made 10 entries about what I did learned 💖💖 so, today... I learn something bout friendship.. Basically, my sister is quite a loner herself.. cause she doesn't have a lot of friends to hang out with. No.. Don't get me wrong.. She's a nice girl. Its just that she always dislike some people on their first meeting and its hard to look at the people in a positive way when she had labelled the person as a negative vibe.. Last week she even had a mental breakdown because she was quite a loner and she feel sad cause she need to clerk the patient alone.. (she's currently studying medic in UM) So, her birthday was last week. And yesterday, 2 of her best friends from school dm me on instagram.. They wanted to make a surprise birthday party for her 🎆🎆🎈 I felt really overwhelm because of their strong friendship.. And they are all not from the same race.. My sister is malay (of course la. lel.. ), her 2 friends were chinese and Indian. And th

What I learned today #009

So, heyy.. Last night I was quite depressed cause someone I knew condemned bout all the courses in the world. Cause she thought that only a specific course (which is the one she likes) is the best.. among the rest. So, here I am trying to open up all of our closed mindset.. especially our parents.. auntie, uncle, sis, bro, adik2.  Bkn engineering and doctor je yg berjaya dlm dunia ni. X semestinya x dpt jdi doktor or engineering x berjaya dik oii.. semua career berjaya and dpt buat kita berjaya 🎓🎓 .. Jgn sempitkan our pemikiran and set that we would like to be a doctor/engineer sbb tu je yg berjaya and org pandang.. Klau nak berjaya. Jgn pernah pandang rendah pada org lain.. jgn pandang rendah pd course org lain. Whatever courses yg dia amik. Its hard. Dah msk degree ni x de apa yg senang bak kata lecturer engineering UM.. so, jgn pertikaikan yg that courses x de masa dpn and whatnot. Rezeki tu kt tgn Allah 🎉 anything can happen. Ada org yg dpt 4 flat for every sem.x dpt jg


**guys, basically this is just utk korg baca basic je psl pasum ni. like I just tulis what u need to know bout pasum itself. utk korg consider for UPU, ok? ** proud to be one of the people who could be under this logo and song 💕                                           so, hi ✌✌ adik-adik ehh? 😂😂 x yah la ehh. pasum x de senior junior. korg sebaya je dlm ni nanti. so, let me start bout PASUM 😊 first off. Kenapa korg nk pilih PASUM as one of the choices dlm UPU? Klau setakat untuk isi kekosongan mcm x yah kot. ramai lagi yg nak msk UM ni dik oii.. so, what I'm saying is.. make sure u tau why u nak msk PASUM. Know your aim. jgn msk sbb nak cari awek/pakwe yg handsome/cantik with brains. Ramai ja kt sini.. tpi tutor kitaorg ckp, x yah cari kt PASUM, nak cari nanti msk degree UM, bru jamin sikit masa depan cerah.. (takut x dpt sambung degree ja 😖) tu x penting sgt for now kay. set your priority straight kiddo. The first thing that u'll be taking on minggu ha

What I learned today #008

Hi... So, last week I had a retreat to nature by accident. 😅 I can't say retreat to 'nature' actually. Its just a retreat from phones and laptops. Basically, the story is like this.. I went back during last weekend. And I don't know why. I brought back all my tutos, my pencil case and all the necessary items. Except for the most important thingy. Which is...... charger 😑😑😢 At first, I was like. What??? How could I forgot to bring it home 😕 I searched my entire school bag and also my sling bag. But, its not there.. 😢😢 so, I knew I left it behind. But, as the proverb says, 'there's always a silver lining to everything'.. So, by not having my phone with me(meaning that I can't finished most of my tutorials.. especially programming.. i'll talk bout this later 😬), I got to have a reaaaaally productive weekend with my family. So, I went back on friday night. And when I reached my house. My cousin was there. So, I didn't check my phone at

when reality hits like a truck

well, hi guys! 👋👋 I don't know why. But suddenly a thought came to me. Basically I had this thoughts when I was in high school. 😁 Well, as you all know. High school are usually pack with all the classes, after school activities and soo on. So, I always had this thoughts that it'll be easier in university, You'll only had like 3 or 4 classes per day.. Arhhhh, HEAVEN! 💞💞 Well, now that I'm in university and living this life. I wanna go back to school where it was easy back then than now. My classes are way more pack than when I'm in high school. Although there were free times when class got canceled. But it will always be filled with assignments and tutorials to be fiinished befoe the deadlines.. It was tiring indeed. When I was in school. At least I got to sleep sharp at 12am and woke up at 6 something. Now I can only sleep at 12.30am onwords and also woke up at 6.20am for prayers and my classes starts at 8am. I need to walk to my class which are