
Showing posts from November, 2017

Something I learned today #004

Hi! 😂 So, today i'll like to share bout MOVE ON!! 💚💚 So, yeah! Its not always that I wrote smthg bout feelings and such.. So, first off.. Let's handle the worldwide misconception that girls and boys can't just be great friends.. Actually, we can! I can even put myself as an example here.. Like srsly.. How did I know this will work out.. Well, I for sure did not like him like, like like 😂 And he told me bout a girl he's crushing on and its definitely not me 😂😂.. although I don't know who she is.. but yeah! I just knew that it wasn't me 😂.. cause I know her tuto classes and it is not mine. So yeah! Girls and boys can just be 'friends' and not more than that.. we can! So, now.. lets talk bout moving on.. You know when u like someone and u started stalking them online and such? Well, no worries.. I've been there done that 😂 We will wait till he DM, ws or sms us first. We do not care if he doesn't like us back.. but if he does

something I learned today #003

this will be a short one, I guess! 😹 so, today I learned that you are the one who have the dominant role to choose whether you want to be happy or sad throughout the day. Although there's a lot of people that will make you sad, eventually you are the one who can decide whether to be sad or totally cool bout it! I learned that people will break our heart multiples time without even acknowledging it! Sometimes they don't think that what they did actually makes us sad.. It's normal for human to feel sad if someone said something bad to you and such. We're human beings with emotions for a reason!.. I've read in a book, and the author wrote about a Quran's verse, "WITH HARDSHIP COMES EASE". If we look at these closely, it doesn't say after hardship comes ease, but it says, with hardship comes ease! It means that, there's always something good in all the hardships that we had gone through.. for example, if someone makes you sad about somethin

something I learned today #002

so, today I'll like to talk about something in the perspective of a guy.. and I had a friend who's helping me bout this topic and he is a guy.. I had wanted to write bout this for soo long and only now I had the time to do so. So, basically what I had learned is about how boy sees us, girls. In their own POV. Have you ever had a secret admirer, crush, bf, gf and soo on.. kunyit and halia not included i guess. 😆😆 so, how does that makes you feel when you know that someone likes you. and I don't think that he know that u knew that he likes you. 😆 well, obviously. You must love it right. I love it too. the feeling that there's actually someone who likes you eventhough you're just a typical girl/boy in your POV (point of view). so, when I knew that someone had a crush on me. and he is actually someone that I knew and had a crush on( for a little while. let say for 2 weeks or more I guess. 😆. I'm that type of girl who just like someone for his appearance

something I learn today #001

Assalamualaikum and hi.. ✋ so, my dad suggest that i used my blog to actually write about what I learn everyday just to keep track of my life and also as a life journal.. something that I can read back when I'm old afterwards. so, i thought it was a great idea. so, this is the first! so, i went to a tazkirah just now. and the speaker was PU Akram. He told us about one of his rule.. which is I.M.A.N. so, lets start one by one.. I which means ILMU.. people nowadays are striving towards success, victory. And basically all of these comes by having ILMU. by having knowledge. Without knowledge, we are nothing. I can't remember who said this, but he said, "  knowledge without brain are better than having brain without knowledge" Although we are actually striving to be the best among all our friends or coworkers. we need to remember that the basis of Islam is actually to help each other. If for example, we are an expert on certain subjects / fields.. try to