Something I learned today #007

Hello!!! 😄😄
Well, I'm quite happy today 😂
Lol. Actually.. this was actually a happy week. I had been laughing a lot this week.
Well, some people say, don't laugh too much. You'll cry later on.
But, I try to not think bout this phrase a lot. Cause if you're happy. Then embrace the moments and be happy and lively as you can be. Its not everyday that you became happy!!

So, what did I learned this whole week 🤔🤔

Firstly,I learned that we need to be a great person in and out.
So, my lecturer said smthg bout our generations are selekeh and all. Like he said, when he was our age. They always wear smart clothes (tuck in with the tie and all).. so, in contrast to what we wore today. Even in my lecture hall. I can literally see that some boys don't wear tie to lectures. They don't tuck in their shirts.. come on guys!! Jaga imej diri to gain the best first impression from lecturers and also ure friends!!
Owh. Manners then..
He talked bout us lacking in our manners. Like when the lecturers are talking, sometimes we're talking at the back and all. Its almost common nowadays when the students talk and neglect their lecturers. Cause, everyone's doing it. So, we didn't see it as a problem. But being a lecturer and standing at the front there. He or she is quite mad with our attitude. So, come on guys!! Let's change ourself for the better!!!! 💪💪

2nd thing that I learned is: don't judge someone based on ure first meet.
So, I went outside to eat with my friends.. so, we ordered an uber to get back to our college. So, as usual. I ordered the uber 😏 while waiting, one of my friend went back to the store to buy water. And a few mins after that, the uber arrived. Well, opposite from me. There was actually 4 guys whom I knew ( they were the boys from my lecture hall). So, I went to them and asked if they wanted our uber. Cause we can book another one. They said, their uber is behind a car ( which Is our uber driver 😂) .. so, I was like, ermm. Okay then. What i didn't expect is when one of the guy asked wether I wanna join them or not.. when I though back, I was kinda mindblowned 😂😂 cause since semester one, I had an impression that he is not that type of guy. I thought that he is the type that didn't care bout other people. The type that hates ppl (his face is so strict. He only smile at his friends) so, yeah.. so, when I thought back. I was amazed by how a conversation could change my entire perspective of him in a glimpse of an eye 😛😛.. lol.
Betulla when people say, x kenal ,maka x cinta 😅.  This is just friendship kay guys 😅😅😅

So, thats all I guess. I'm gonna sit for my mid sem exam next week. Wish me luck

Yours truly


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