
 You know the phase between 17 and 18? 

Where you have to choose which pathway you wanna go. Like will it be Science stream, art stream, matriculations, asasi, etc? 

I thought that phase was not really hard as I already kinda now what I wanna do and where I wanna go.

However, the phase of leaping between being an undergrad student and a working adult at the age of 23 is frightening for me! 

Like one day, you woke up at 7 to go to a class at 8am, then suddenly you need to wake up at 6 to go to work at 8 because there'll be traffic jam on your way to work. Shisshh

And during undergrad studies, your class may finish at 1pm or even 3pm but not everyday. Then suddenly now, your whole life evolves in your 8-5 working hours and you need to search for that extra time for your me-time session. 

These transition phase is one of the phase that I am scared of for several reasons;

1. There's no one that I am close with in the negeri where I'm going to work. Literally none. Ofc there's some of my university friends there (and even some in my office), but they're not close to me at all, as I am with them. So, this triggers my nervousness even more when they are all male and I am the only female .. haha. Engineering life at its finest, I guess. What do you even expect when you're one of the few females in engineering, right? 😂

2. My parents are far (well tbh, this state is nearer to my parents compared to when I am studying. 1 hour closer by driving). But still, they're far from me!

3. Can I be okay by myself? As I do not have any female friends atm in that state, so I am renting a room instead of a house. I'm scared if the housemates are the pengotor type of people. Plus, it is not your house so the vibe is different. And everyone is working, so there's not gonna be any membawang session like what we had with our university friends back in our study life

4. Will work be okay? Will my collegues be friendly and helpful? Will my boss be the caring type or the wtv type? Is it easy to ask for leave to go to my convocation? And many other questions that kept bugging me. But wtv it is, I need to endure it and just go with the flow. Hopefully everything will be okay! 

5. When will I get to reunite with my friends from university? University life is one of the BEST life in my whole 23 years of living. We've seen each other at our worst and our best. We've talked about everything till 3am somedays and sometimes till Subuh just because we could. And now, with work 8-5 everyday, when will we have time to lepak like this anymore? And also because everyone is working at different state, how and when can we gather again? 

I had realised that our trip after our final examination, that is the last time we get to gather with everyone of us and I am soo glad we get to go to the trip! I am soo glad we nailed it and had fun with everyone we love and cherish throughout our degree life! It was trully a momentous 1 week of travelling with them in Malaysia. 

I think these are some of my dilemmas and conflict in this transition phase. But oh well, we still need to move forward right? So, let's just take a slow and deep breath everytime we feel suffocated by this transition phase, okay? 

And a reminder if you're in your final semester, please have a break period before you start working! Have fun, go on trips with friends or at least, stay home with your parents for a while before entering the work force! It'll help you from having a burnout like some of my friends who immediately start working right after studying. Also, please apply for work during your final semester. Trust me it'll give you a huge pressure once you're done with your studies and you see every friends of yours are starting with their career while you're still menganggur and baru nak start cari kerja. But everyone's rezeki is different but why not try to apply earlier. 

Apply in your final semester, as early as possible. I started applying for work during week 6 of final semester and secured my first job in week 11 or 12, right before the end of my studies. Then, opt for a later entry date to ensure that you get to rest for at least 2 or 3 weeks before the job. I asked for a 1 and a half month rest, and the HR let me. So, there's no problem as long as you asked for it early during the job acceptance phase. 

Please pray for me and my friends transition phase. May it be easy and smooth sailing. Aamiin! ❤


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