Hey and Assalamualaikum, all

Lama gila tak tulis here. Lolz (who's even reading.. πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚)

Anyways, just wanna share some memories and stories with anyone and no one.. 

So, I am legit living by myself in Melaka. 22 year old girl living in Melaka without friends, without family 😒

Time my parents drop me off at Melaka, I was telling myself not to cry in front of them cause taknak diorang pun sedih and risau! Nailed it! But then, balik bilik , nangis sorang2 sambil kemas baju and it hit me again that I AM LEGIT ALONE! FOR THE FIRST TIME! 

Macam before this time pergi sekolah asrama, at least I know it's a school. I'm safe in there with the teachers, wardens and new friends. Even time masuk university, my sister is in the same uni and it's a university. There's lots of new people there as well. But now, in Melaka. I am the only new person to this not so big negeri. 

huhu, the first few days, of course nangis dowh.. Like it suddenly came to me that I'm working (intern) in a foreign negeri with legit no one to help me if anything happen. 

My parents can't even rentas negeri if something happen to me, such as orang pecah masuk rumah, tayar kereta bocor, ada hantu or anything. I don't even know what to do! Time tu serious nak nangis cause I'm scared if anything might happen duduk sorang2 dekat rumah tu!

Left with a full tank car, and an empty rent room.. trying to learn the way to my office on a Sunday.. alone!

The first room I rented, it was an empty house dowhh..

Legit nak nangis the first night. Satu, because I miss my family, and 2nd because I'm scared. Living alone in Melaka and literally alone in a big apartment with guys living beside my house.. 

That was like a scary reality for me as a girl. The house owner did not even know that the house was empty, so when I asked her where's all the housemates, she did not even know.

So, for 3 nights I slept alone! Can you imagine that! I left home around 6.40am and came home almost 7pm to an empty house. Ate alone, cried alone, slept alone.. Dah la rumah tu takde TV or anything, so basically boleh tengok phone je and the house is total silence. 

Huhu tragic! 😭

Then I started having friends at my office, another intern. Then I moved in to her house. At that time, her room is empty, so tadaa I became her roommate! It was soo fast!

Allah really did help me through that tough time! And kept me protected everyday until now huhu. Thank you soo much! πŸ’“ Alhamdulillah for that!

So, now Alhamdulillah am living nicely. Been going to and from work with my internmate / roommate. No more nangis malam2 and takut tak bangun pagi for Subuh and work cause living alone kan..

Now Alhamdulillah everything's great! Lots of things had happened, call 999 for the first time in 22 years, learned how to park betul2 with experience and many more! Work was still fun (although dah 4 weeks). People are nice, everything's fine. Alhamdulillah!

You did great, girl! I'm proud of you! πŸ’“

So, to anyone who's migrating for work or studies alone.. I know it's not easy at all! 

It's a hard and an emotional phase 😭 I legit understand!!

Don't be too hard on yourself! Make sure to rest cukup2 during weekend, cause that's the only time you have! 

Try to make friends with other people andddd don't be too nice to strangers! They're strangers even if you lived in the same house as them. 

Keep your belongings locked! Buy a padlock to secure all your things, laptops, car key etc! Never be too naive kay!

That's all for now! Take care everyone, #kitajagakita


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