Hey, guys. Lama tak tulis kan πŸ˜…

So, after one year of going through Covid. What is your conclusion? What have you learnt? What have Covid make you into?

For me, and I guess for you too, it must have made you stronger in some ways. But for me personally, it made me love my family more. It taught me that wherever I am, my family is my 'home', my 'safe heaven' and my joy. When Covid was bad in March until July, I could not go back to my hometown, and I cried a lot! I cried cause I miss my house, I miss my parents, my family, I can't really study, everything seems dull and boring to me. I kept getting mad at my surrounding especially the politicians and how my university handle this pandemic throughout the times I was there, in the university. What made me go through it is my flatmates, 7 of us are all in this together. Everyone could not go back, so we rely on one another. 

It felt really overwhelming when you can't go anywhere, your parents are in another state and it's been 4 months since you get to go back. And to top it all of, I'll be doing my internship in Melaka for 3 months, and looking at the situation now, Covid is not slowing down, it seems like I'll not be home for another 3 months. 😐

One year taught me that please do what makes you happy, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It's not worth it to do something that is tiring but does not pay good in return. But it depends on you! For example, being an engineer with a starting of 2.5k and 4k. Which will you prefer? You might say, of course I'll choose 4k. Duh! But, my senior (male) chose the 2.5k and he is happier there. He chose what his happiness above the salary and I think that is a bold move. For me, personally, I don't know. I might choose the 4k job position but I need to make sure my mind, body and soul knows that with a higher salary equals to a lot of jobs and overtime. It comes in a package. If I can't handle it, then don't. I will think it through whether money matters most and if I could get both money and happiness through time management. But in the end, I know I will choose to be happy wherever I am. 2.5k or 4k, I will try make myself happy!

One year had also taught me that it is okay to cry. It is okay to say you're tired, to take a day off and sprint the next day. It is okay to hold those assignments and watch netflix the whole day. But, make sure you know your limit. Be true to yourself, pamper yourself and make yourself happy. It is okay to cry when things are overwhelming, when you are sad, when you miss you parents, when studying seems hard and you can't understand a thing! It's okay! I understand. Take some time off, watch some cute funny videos, buy your favourite food and go for a walk. Get out from those suffocating surrounding and go for a jog (SOP make sure jaga), or do some exercise in your house. 

One year had also taught me a lot about building myself. Being an adult is hard, tiring and consist of a lot of breakdowns! I can't believe that I'm going to work next week. It feels like I am still a kid, and suddenly I am off to work. haha.. Please wish me luck and that I can do a great job there. Aamiin! With me growing, so does my parents. I had done a lot of thinking lately on how and what should I do to safe money to bring my parents to Umrah, travelling and etc. Insya Allah will be doing it by the time I'm 25. Aamiin πŸ’“ We're getting older, and so are them. Make sure to call them constantly and help as much as you could when you're home! Love them as much as they love you! 

And I think lastly, what Covid taught me is to let go of someone and open my eyes wider. Heartbroken was a devastating phase for me. Lots of crying, lots of daydreaming. But Alhamdulillah, I'm okay, I'm moving forward and telling myself that I am okay and I deserve someone who loves me too and not just one sided. Although people say that he likes me too, but well no effort, so bye πŸ˜… Whatever it is, I'm okay now and I think if you're not happy with your current relationship and if it is not going anywhere to halal relationship, let it go. PKP is the best time to move on. Talking from experience here haha..

K that's all for now. Please doa kan for me to start my intern next week.

Stay safe everyone


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