사랑한다구 (I love you)


I feel like writing tonight. 

Do you ever feel like Malay words are really sincere when you use it properly?

For example, everyone can say "I love you", but when someone said, "saya Sayang awak".

Doesn't it bring an extra warmth and security to it. Like the person really mean it from their heart.

That's the meaning of today's topic, 사랑한다구 (I love you) in Hangul/Korean.

I watched a kdrama and just finished it today. Hence, I want to write what I learned from this story.

You know that when you've been married for too long, sometimes you feel like you hate your partner for the little things he/she did. It annoys the hell out of you.

Well, I learned that it's okay to take a time off from each other.

It's okay to hate each other for the things s/he forgets.

It's okay to feel disappointed towards your partner.

But at the end of the day, remember that your partner is the one who's always been there for you from the beginning of your marriage life!

S/He is the one who look and comfort you when things are tough for you.

They are the one you look for when you're missing home, when things are too tiring at work, when life crumble to pieces. You have them to look forward to in the end.

Life is really short.

Take time slowly and cherish the moments. 

Take in the moments when you're young. 18/19/20/21/22/23..

Take this time and enjoy your youth.

Don't settle with just anyone. Enjoy your life to the fullest, take in every opportunity that comes in your way!

Appreciate everything that you're doing now! Enjoy all those travelling with friends, all those hang outs or lepak kedai mamak until mid night. Enjoy all those things before it expires!

**Updates : Also don't enjoy too much! Remember to top up your iman and religion knowledge as well during your youth time until we die

Take in the moments when you're in your early marriage life. 24/25/26/27/28 or any age that you're getting married. There's not definite age for marriage. It is totally up to you and your future someone!

Take this time and cherish every moment together.

Cherish the moment with your first daughter, second son, third daughter and many more.

Never be too late to cherish all these moments. 

You can't rewind the time, but you can be present right here, right now!

Be there for their first step, first word, first food and also first time seeing the world up until they're adult. 

These are the moments you'll look back at when you're old and it's just you both again. Husband and Wife. 

No more kids running around, now there's only grandkids during special occasions. 

No more waking up at dawn to fix breakfast for the kids, now its breakfast at 9am since both are retired.

No more chaos cause there are all memories now!

Never say you're too busy for family time.

Remember your family is everything.

Love your partner, love your family! Keep a close bond between the family members and treat each other well!

Talk about everything and anything with your partner. Do not keep it all to yourselves. Even spouses could not read their partner's mind. Remember that!

S/He should at least give you the benefit of doubt when the whole world is against you, because.. s/he know there must be a reason behind your action. There must be something you're protecting that you need to do those things! Your family will give you the benefit of doubt at least! Trust them and show that you can be trusted by them!

Drama 18 Again showed me what true love is.

It's when you still love each other, even when you bicker, even when sometimes you need your alone time.

In the end, you know you can't be a whole without him/her.

It is like a half moon. You and your partner will make a complete full moon. 

When you're alone, you'll think if the other half is safe and sound. 

This is what love is.

I hope all of us will find our other half.

Wherever, whenever it will be.

Take time to learn about your partner and may we will cherish all the times we had and will be having!

For the time being, cherish the time we have with our parents and siblings,

This too will become memories one day!

Never regret anything in life. Therefore, be present always!

사랑한다구, [I love you]



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