Saying sorry

Hi. It's been a long time since I wrote something here 😅
I just can't find any interesting news to share to you all
But tonight I have one.. 

You know when people make you feel mad, you want an apology as soon as possible
And when that particular person does not give any apology, you started saying that s/he doesn't even have any common sense at all..
Hurm.. To this I disagree.. 

You know, this world doesn't evolve around you! That's a fact!
Either you like it or not. You're not the center of it..
You're not the center of anyone's world except yours..
So, when people suddenly make you feel mad and did not say sorry. 
There's a lot of reasons to it:

1. S/He does not even know that they're doing something wrong
For instance, I said something that scarred your ego.
But to me, that is a fact about you. 
I'm not telling a lie or saying something out of the blue..
That's your trait.. That's who you are..
So, in my mind, I don't find it something to be offended with..

Like for example, you're easily triggered.. 
So, I said to you.. You know this fella, he's somehow similar like you.
Always triggered about all those small stuffs..

To me, I am just telling a story which somehow that persona is similar to you.
That's a fact because even you know that you're sensitive..
But you find it offensive because why? Because it is about you.. 
And you're not okay with it.. 

I'm not saying you're fat or you're ugly and etc..
This is not about physical features.. It's about you that you know you have that trait and when people tell you this, you should change and improvise yourself rather than being mad at that person..
Or you could just acknowledge it and be okay with it..
Because that's who you are.. That's who I remembered you by.. 

2. S/He is a really 'chill' type of person
When this kind of person makes you mad, they surely won't apologize cause they're those types of people..
But to this people, yes you can confront them and say what's in your mind..
But don't yell at that person..
Tell it to him/her in a good manner.
Because why? First thing is, when suddenly you came storming and yelling at that person, he/she will feel attacked and of course he won't apologize..
That's common sense. Fire versus fire and nobody will win.. 

When confronting with these type of people, confront him and tell him what he did wrong.
Tell him that you're not okay with it.. 
And surely he'll apologize and will not do it again because he's the 'chill' person and these type of people really listen when you're talking to him/her. 
It's that simple actually.. 

3. You're just overly sensitive. Accept it!
You know some people who can't even take  a joke properly?
Like there's always something they're not okay with?
Yes, I know you're sensitive and I'm supposed to be acknowledging it..
But you know, sometimes people like me (the insensitive ones) just couldn't remember it.. 
So, we might say something which is common, but then you go bursting with madness and saying that we're insensitive and need to apologize..
Like dude, where exactly is my mistake?
You could point it and we could solve it together. No need to go all boom on me.. 

So, yeah..
Those are some things I could think of..
The thing I'm trying to say is..
You should say sorry when you're in the wrong (ie: when you know you did something wrong or when someone tell you that you did something wrong and you realized it)..
But you do not need to say sorry if you know that what you're doing is something normal and common people could take it.. 
If we're always saying sorry to these kinda people and always need to have a mental check to them first, we'll be living a hard life..
Buttttt, there's  a lot of people like that nowadays, so my advice is.. 
Always be careful when talking. Make sure to always say things that everyone could accept.. Unless you're really close and you know each other could take whatever it is you're saying.. 
Bring the words to your brain first and only to your mouth afterwards.. Not the other way around..

This is just my 2 cents.. 
RIP to those people who have always been yelled at and still did not know what they did wrong in the first place.. 


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