Hi and Assalamuaikum, guys. 

So, just wanna share my stories and also my experience working as a food court worker for 2 months during my semester break.. 

As you all may or may not know, I am an undergrad student in University of Malaya (not bragging or anything kay).. Am entering my third year next semester with (Alhamdulillah) dean list award since semester 1 until semester 4 (May it be until semester 8, aamiin!)

So, I was, am and will still be wondering why some people have this kind of mentality;

  • Always bragging bout your lifestyle to other people
  • Always look down to other people who you think are below you
  • Always comparing your achievements with others
Like okay, there's nothing wrong if you wanna compare between me and you, but for god sake, why? 
What satisfaction does it bring to you to know that you are above anyone?

So, here's a story.. 

One day while I was working with my coworker in the kiosk (we're selling roti john),
There's one aunty who stand literally in front of me while waiting for her food.
So, there's nothing wrong with it.. 
But, then she started telling me bout her children and nephews who's studying in some private and also local universities all around Malaysia.. 
Started bragging bout her lifestyle in Kuala Lumpur with water problem and etc.  (I'm living in Perak and that time there's water shortage in Selangor)..

Well, I have no problem to hear her stories since I am busy making food for dozens of other people waiting for their food as well. 
So, I'm not really listening to her pun.. 
But then, she started asking me if this job is enough to keep me afloat?
I'm kinda taken aback... 
Cause, ma'am.. You don't even know me.
How do you even have the courage/audacity to ask me if this job is paying me enough??

So, being me who can't really just let this slide..
Cause I really hate obnoxious person. 
I answered;

"Ma'am, I am a third year engineering student in University of Malaya. 
Yes, my university is literally in Kuala Lumpur so I literally know how it feels to live there. Been studying in UM for 3 years already, ma'am. 
I just worked here during my semester break cause I don't like to just sit around at home.. 
And owh yes, I even lived in Putrajaya before that, so yeah I know how living in a  city feels like (with a smiling face attached)."

And you know what she replied... Lolz it was hilarious.
She was shocked as hell..
Huhh you kinda messed with the wrong person ma'am. 
I am a debater for three years and even went for international debate competition, so of course I won't just keep my mouth shut.. 

Then, I think she wanna cover it back up..
She started praising me and etc..
Talked bout her nephew who's an engineer and how loaded he is..
Like wow.. You sure are different now, ma'am. Why so lowkey now?

What I'm trying to convey is;
  • Never ever ever downgrade other people just by looking at the place they work.. Some of my friends who's doing their Master are working part time in KFC or being a kindergarten teacher cause they have extra time and also cause they need the money. There's literally nothing wrong with it.. 
  • Do not compare yourself with other people.. The chances are you may be making a fool out of yourself. Like this aunty right here... 
  • You do not need to ask if the job is keeping them afloat. They already know if the money is enough for them or not. You do not need to ask and remind them of their life..
But I am really glad that she asked me.. Cause yes, some of my coworkers did not continue their studies, but who are we to judge.. Right?
They chose to not continue their studies and they are living perfectly fine like this.. 
What contribution are you giving by saying and asking those questions to them? Nothing.. 
So, let's just mind our own business kay.. 

That's all..
Stay safe guys, Covid is still here in Malaysia!
Especially those in Kedah and Sabah, be safe! 
Thanks for reading.. Lolz!

Yours truly


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