Assalamualaikum and Hi, guys..
So, I had just finished one of my projects in the college.
It's a project where we collaborate with an NGO and also another university in Johor.
It was really fun tbh.. During the event day,,
but the process towards it. Ma Shaa Allah.. How I dread it soo much
Although it teached me a lot of lessons along the way, but tbh, I wouldn't want to repeat it again for anything!

So, we collaborate with an NGO which is an expert in humanitarian and volunteering,
our main idea is to learn how to handle big events with the crowd,
but little did we know, we actually learn more by our own team compared from the NGO and also the other university..

So, what I learned is :


So, basically we of course need to go on a site visit beforehand..
So, we went.. My team from UM and the other team is from Johor..
But the thing is, the NGO didn't even came..
Like cmon guys, people from Johor sacrifice their time and money for this,, and so did us!

Learn to make other people a priority.
We had already make a deal and appointment, so make sure you are punctual!
So, in the end, only us and the other university went for the site visit on November which is our first site visit..

Going on to our second site visit, which is a day before the program, which is in February..
Guess what, the NGO itself didn't appear as well.
LOL I can't say anything except that! Serious.
Like our event is tomorrow, what is your problem??

One thing is about punctuality and timing, the second one is about work division.

We are students, both from UM and the other team.
So, of course we had other things to do such as STUDY and not only this volunteering activity..
So, why is it soo hard for the other party to understand that they can't be bossy just because thet are superior from us?
Like helloo.. We're in this together? Where's your take in this?


Every team who collaborate with each other are at par, regardless if the name came from your party or ours.
Like during our final meeting before the event, we still had a lot of things to be discussed cause we can't understand what the NGO's are thinking..
Like aren't we all equivalent? Then why is your logo way up there and our university's logo way down here?
Its not fair tbh..

So, during the last meeting, I got to say what I got to say.. (Cause the other director from that university am hoping for me to talk as well. LOL)
I talked about the inequality and soo on.
Well, in this case, I kinda burst cause they said, "No. This is our event. You guys just joined."
Like what? We just joined? Hmmm
You wanna know what, as a team who just 'joined', majority of the things needed tomorrow are done by our team and not yours, so please clarify the word joined and its your program? Cause I didn't get it at all..

I don't care how superior and egoistic you are,
the term collaborate means that we are at par, and we do everythings as equal..
No one has the upper hand, everything must be discuss within all parties..

So, remember guys!
If you feel like you're downgraded, stand up for your team or at least yourself!
Especially if you are a director like me..


So, during the process of this event, I am truly grateful for each and every one of my team, for sticking with all my decisions, always be there to brainstorm with us and also always support us from the beginning.

Seriously, this program would not happen without you guys! You guys are the bomb.com!

All the time you guys spend for this program, am beyond my gratitude. All those late night sleep and also all those lepak in mamak and soo on!
Will be missed. Hopefully there will be more coming! Aamiin and can't wait!


As a director and also a great team member, you should have a quick problem solving attitude..
There will be a lot of hiccups during the event, so you need to make decision quick!
You need to know what's best for the team and also for the program!

Making sure that your deputy director knows everything is crucial as well, since you are not always gonna be there when the tragedy occur, so make sure at least your deputy knows what to do which is in the best interest for everyone!


All in all, it was  a fun project, meeting new people and higher ups,,
the parlimen, JAKOA, PPUM, Aeon, JAKIM and also collaborating with one of the top university which is UTM, Johor.
It was such an honour to be able to do good deeds to other people as well.
Thank you soo much to everyone involved and may we be reunited for other projects in the future!!

yours truly


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