Culture shock

Assalamualaikum and hi guys and girls.
So, today i'll be writing bout the differences between studying in school and also in university..
There's a lot of differences.. like srsly!!!
For example, klau you are like me, meaning that during your upper form, u had studied in a girls school. It will be really uncomfortable for u especially if there's some guys yg mmg x reti jaga batas.
Yeah , although this is Malaysia. But not all malays rn have the attitude of a muslim.. even the muslimah as well.just saying.
so, you need to take care of yourself.
Cause even here, the ones from an islamic school can be the ones yg couple and all.
Cause there's no more teachers to control us.
Lecturers are reallllyy different from teachers.
If u nak tido time lecture, go ahead. No one will bother you.
So, here in university. It can be a platform for you to change to be better or it can cause you to change from good to worse.
One of the important element is friends. Make good friends and make sure you're emotionally stable.
Especially for kids who had never lived far from their parents, so u guys need to have some back up plans.
Cause it had happened, during my first week in university. While eating dinner with my roommate, suddenly she started crying. I was like, why?? What happen???
Then she said that she misses her family and her mom's cooking.
This is one of the example. So, if u are close to your parents, make sure u're emotionally stable. Try going back during weekend to make sure that you will not feel homesick during the weekdays. It will seriously disrupt your studies. I'm telling the truth here.
Especially if you're thinking of taking foundation. You will have no time for yourself. 24/7 is fill with studies and assignments and also due dates..
Owh, back to our topic.
Let me give u an example. As u know, I am from seseri. A girl's boarding school. So, when I attend university. Everything was fine. The girls and guys were nice and all. But then, there's one guy who constantly message me and call me.. sometimes during the day and sometimes during the night. And sometimes 2/3 in the morning while i'm studying. He's studying as well in his room I presume.
So,as a typical girl, I can't help feeling a little tinge of happiness cause someone cares bout me.
But girls, don't let this feeling take control.
Jgn layan these guys too much.
Set your priorities. It is to study and score. You don't even know that these boys will stay if you flunked your test because you keep staying in your dreams..
So, keep your target. Study and get that 4.00 and if he is the one, he'll stay till the end and meet your family.
The ones who you meet right now, keep them in your friendzone. Don't let them get to a higher rank than friendzone. This is not the time yet!!
Be smart and achieve all your dreams first.
Because girls with brains are always the most prettiest among the rest 💞💞

So, next..
Foundation life is basically like this.. all the foundation courses in Malaysia varies.. all of the foundations are different from others.. like for example, i'm a PASUM student.. so, my timetable for class, holidays semua differ.. like for example, utk bdk asasi um. We only have 4 days holiday for raya haji compared to other foundations students who can raya for like one week.. 😢😢 then, our mid sem break is just one week. Compared to dengkil, 2/3 weeks I cant remember.. not only dengkil la. No hatred there. Half of my batch is studying there rn 😂 even matriks gets more holidays then us 😅

So, yeah.. we had the least cuti I can say.. 😅😅 so, always prepare yourself for this. Especially if u live far away like terengganu, kelantan and u studied in kl.. make sure u're ready to study.. bila blk rumah, make sure betul2 make quality time with family.. 💞💞 put your phones aside for a while.. u can play your phones back in your college 😂

For foundation students, most of our class started at 8.. but it differs among every tutorial classes. For example, on monday, my class starts at 9 am whereas my roommate starts at 8 am.. and it differs everyday.. like on wednesday, my class started at 8 am and her class started at 10 am. 😱😱 I know its not fair right 😂😂 wait2.. here's the best part.. cause my schedule are quite pack compared to her.. so, on friday.  I only have on lecture at 9 until 10 😏😏 whereas she have lab  for 3 hours plus lectures from 9 am until 12. Basically the total studying time are the same among students. The timetable is the only things that differs..

I finish my class at 5 everyday . That means 8 till 5 pm.. what do u think?? Hard or easy? 😏 nayhh, after u had studied for like 2 months. U dont really feel tired anymore cause this things are normal for you already. We only have an hour gap from 1-2 pm to pray and eat.. wait wait.  Dont stress out yet 😂😂 when I first look at my timetable, I was like gila ke apa? 😭 one hour gap to eat, solat.. nak amik wuduk lagi.. but as time passed, u'll get the hang of it.. no worries..

In university/foundations.. there's no specific books and etc for revision.. this is for um. If dengkil and matrikulasi, there's a specific book for every subject if i'm not mistaken. Most of the notes u need to write by yourself. So, if u slept during the lectures, how u wanna study meh?? So, think carefully bfr u sleep inside the lecture hall 😂😂 some of the lecturers will give one notes. So, the lecture rep( one of your friend who voluntarily wanna become the ketua for the lecture hall) will photostate the notes for u all. But srsly I tell u. Try to not be the lecture rep.. there's a lot of things u need to do and arrange especially if the lecture was cancelled.. urggh. U need to search for a time where the whole students in your lecture hall ( my lecture consists of 200++ students 😂😂) are free. Since all of us have different timetables. So, the only time available is 5-7 pm 😢😢 yg ni sumpah la penat klau buat.. try to imagine.. you need to study from 8-7 on that day with only an hour gap for prayers and lunch 😌😌 mmg redho hbs klau ada class ganti camni. 😂

I'll try to continue next time kay 😂😂  this was quite long already.


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