
Showing posts from 2022


 You know the phase between 17 and 18?  Where you have to choose which pathway you wanna go. Like will it be Science stream, art stream, matriculations, asasi, etc?  I thought that phase was not really hard as I already kinda now what I wanna do and where I wanna go. However, the phase of leaping between being an undergrad student and a working adult at the age of 23 is frightening for me!  Like one day, you woke up at 7 to go to a class at 8am, then suddenly you need to wake up at 6 to go to work at 8 because there'll be traffic jam on your way to work. Shisshh And during undergrad studies, your class may finish at 1pm or even 3pm but not everyday. Then suddenly now, your whole life evolves in your 8-5 working hours and you need to search for that extra time for your me-time session.  These transition phase is one of the phase that I am scared of for several reasons; 1. There's no one that I am close with in the negeri where I'm going to work. Literally none. Ofc there'