
Showing posts from September, 2018


Hello ✌ So, this was a story bout 2 weeks ago. Yeah, I know. I don't really have the time to sit and write 😴 So, here goes my story.. 2 weeks ago, I went home... My aim is actually to study since I have a cambridge exam on wednesday! So, like yeah! Of course I need to study 🙂 So, like usual. I went home on friday. Took grab and lrt. Meet up with a friend of mine, we eat lunch together at NU SENTRAL. We talked till 3 I guess. Then, at 5 I went back home cause there's no one at my house bfr 5 😅 Owhh and I did not get back at 5. My dad picked me up at 6++pm. It was a tiring day of course! So, yadda yadda yadda. I planned to sleep early and wake up at 4am to study. Lolll, I didnt woke up as expected 🙂🙂 I woke up at 9 I guess 😕😕 One night wasted 😩 Usually when I go back home. My morning schedule is filled with family time and night is the only time for me to study (thats why I lived in my college and not at home! 😂) So, that afternoon. We went to a ken


Hi korg!! Good luck dpt PASUM! Basically start from the first day korg msk, mmg ramai akan ltk high hopes kt korg. Vice Chancellor (VC), lecturers semua akan ckp korg the best from the best! cause dpt msk UM and all. Tpi please jgn angkuh kay!! Igt that x kisah kt mana pun kita blaja, we're still all the same. Masuk PASUM does not mean that you're gonna further ure degree kt UM jgk. So, jgn rilex sgt!! Study hard to get into UM jgk degree nanti kay! haha. Awal2 aq dah nasihat lolzz. So, apa nk bwk to KUAZ. This is your college, dlm ni ada semua bdk PASUM and also some international students. Tpi korg jrg la kenal international students ni sbb mostly degree or master or phd. lol BARANG-BARANG TO BRING: BAJU HARIAN - Baju kurung for girls ( 5 and above) sbb mmg gi class pkai baju kurung ja! - Baju kemeja for guys ( 5 and above) sbb mmg gi class pkai baju kemeja berkolar ja! - Tie for boys - Seluar slack for boys and girls (girls x yah pun x pe. x guna pun!) (boys