
Showing posts from July, 2018


Hi guys! Assalamualaikum 😁 So, I just came back from Malacca with 2 of my friends. Its supposed to be a class reunion trip thingy 😫😫 Tpi what to do kan. Semua org busy with their own life! Sokay, whatever it is, asalkan kita still rapat, I'm fine with it So, we went there 3 org. All girls! First2 cam cuak gak la. Dah la semua first time pergi sendiri without teachers or parents. So, Izyan and I are in charged to book all the tickets semua 😅 Since I dah biasa naik ETS, so I'm in charged to book the train for 3 people. LOL, online ja kan semua 😏😏 Izyan booked the water world A Famosa, Old West A Famosa and also the hotel. Kitaorg kan mcm still students, so x de la nak amik hotel mahal2 sgt. Kitaorg stay kt Tampin actually. Bkn kt Melaka since its cheaper in Tampin. Bandar kecik ja. So, murah la. Its a 2 star hotel ja. The name is Centrepoint Hotel Tampin.  At first mcm tkt gak la. Dah la gi all girls, jadi pape nanti. Tapi kitaorg doa. And alhamdulillah, hot


Hi all! So, fyi, I am from an all girls school since form 1 till 5. For some of u who may ask, 'ehh x boring ke ddk all girls school? Like x de guys lgsg. X de bdk nk usha, x de motivation la nk gi sklh sbb x de crush kt sklh?¿' 🙈 Lol. Ok guys. Tu la one of the point parents hantar gi girls school. Diorg nk kita study betul2. Avoid coupling and all. And focus ure 110% on studying and tonjolkan ure real self without having to lower ureself sbb ada boys. (Not saying that girls need to be less menonjol, but some girls are shy to show their talent in front of boys) Waktu I was form 1, nangis gak la bila parents nk mskkan dlm girls school. Cause waktu primary school, sklh campurkan. So, it feels pelik gilaaa. Like wth am I supposed to do in all girls school? Nanti mesti semua gedik, pastu acah hot. 😎 tpi dah parents dah daftarkan, what else can I do except go to school 😂😂 even time form 4, my parents kena pindah state, and I still want to go to sklh campur. Well, u know