Hi guys! Assalamualaikum 😁 So, I just came back from Malacca with 2 of my friends. Its supposed to be a class reunion trip thingy 😫😫 Tpi what to do kan. Semua org busy with their own life! Sokay, whatever it is, asalkan kita still rapat, I'm fine with it So, we went there 3 org. All girls! First2 cam cuak gak la. Dah la semua first time pergi sendiri without teachers or parents. So, Izyan and I are in charged to book all the tickets semua 😅 Since I dah biasa naik ETS, so I'm in charged to book the train for 3 people. LOL, online ja kan semua 😏😏 Izyan booked the water world A Famosa, Old West A Famosa and also the hotel. Kitaorg kan mcm still students, so x de la nak amik hotel mahal2 sgt. Kitaorg stay kt Tampin actually. Bkn kt Melaka since its cheaper in Tampin. Bandar kecik ja. So, murah la. Its a 2 star hotel ja. The name is Centrepoint Hotel Tampin. At first mcm tkt gak la. Dah la gi all girls, jadi pape nanti. Tapi kitaorg doa. And alhamdulillah, hot...