
Showing posts from June, 2018

What I learned today #015

Hi.  So, last week I had went back to UM for a one week preparation for MSKP(MINGGU SUAI KENAL PELAJAR) So, I arrived early cause my parents nk blk Ipoh on that day too.  So, I was one of the person yg arrived early at KUAZ, which is my college.  When I arrived, there are like 3 people in that dorm. Yeah, we stayed in a dorm together but it was fun cause I am from a boarding school. So, it kinda bring back the memories! During the evening, most ppl had already arrived. AND ALL of them are hayat ppl! Cmon mann.. I'm from fizikal.So, definitely I don't know any of them.  Of course I tried talking to them and all,  But it was hard to be a part of their group cause they had already had their group of friends since Asasi time.  I felt really alone! SRSLY that was the first time I felt really alone.  Its not a feeling of wanting friends.  Its a sense of sadness of why everyone have someone but I don't at the moment.  So, I ...