
Showing posts from April, 2018

What I learned today #013

'ALLAH's plan is always the best!' Hi everyone!! 👋 I'm in the car rn.. and suddenly something strucked me.. When I suddenly realized how Allah's plan is and always the greatest plan ever. Have you ever wondered how you achieved soooo much in your life. When at that time you're doing that specific things, you think you can't. But, then suddenly u had finished it.. Of course u had right!! Well, one of my fav people in the world is going faaaarr awayyyy from me.. She's my cousin, fyi. Well, she's a year younger than me. And when I got straight A's for spm and got enrolled in pasum. She always said to me, that i'm going to fly far away and leave her here.. But then, now.. she's the one who's flying away and leaving me.. Of course i'm happy for her. But do you see it now How Allah had already created our fates.. He gave us the best that we need. She always imagined herself going somewhere cold with her fam And no