
Showing posts from March, 2018

What not to do if you're staying with other people!!

Assalamualaikum and hi 👋 Well, dah lama x tulis actually. So, for this entry. I'm gonna list down some of the tips to change ourself to be a better person for ourselves and also to the other people around us. Sometimes, kita always terasa hati with some people and we hope that those kind of ppl will change their attitude towards us. But little did we know, we are not perfect either. So, these are all the things that I think we need to change in order to become a better person and also utk mengelakkan other people from rasa sakit hati/menyampah with us. ⛄if we take other people's stuffs. Ask permission and put it back where it belong. Meaning to say, if, for example. You took your friend's punya baldi/ bakul baju. Put it back where it belong. And also, letak blk everything inside it.. Ltk blk mcm mana it look bfr u amik. Klau dlm tu ada brg, after u return it. Ltk blk brg tu dlm benda tu. Jgn ltk camtu ja. Be responsible!! ⛄jgn senang2 amik/bkk anyone punya brg. Ct