
Showing posts from April, 2017


*this post was posted in 2016.. jadual bljr skrg dah berubah 😂. So, jgn fikir sama. Tpi penat dia maybe sama la* SESERI?? If you still don't know what it is. Be good and bca the latest post. 😇😇 Now dah 5 bulan hbs SPM.. cam still miss all those memories kt sana. Like sometimes I though cam urggh duk SESERI feels like hell. Prefect like strict namati (this is like seminggu first duk SESERI kay. please be noted. sbb lps tu I am the discipline prefect 😁😁😂😂 ) Tpi lps kluar sklh tu, Ya Allah feeling dia cam YESSSS!!!! I AM AN EX-SESERIANS.. I AM AN ORKEDS. I HAD SURVIVED TWO YEARS IN SESERI 😂😂😂😂 camtu arh feeling dia.. Happy dia tahap gaban. haha klau korg nk tau rutin duk SESERI.. here let me fill you up on our everyday schedule.. 😃😃 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6.50 am - dah naik blok akademik 7.00 am-perhimpunan rasmi in dewan 8.00am- class starts (KLAU TUESDAY TO FRIDAY START CLASS 7.30AM) 2.00 pm- class ended (rsanya kul 2.. dah x igt sgt.. haha 😂😂 tpi around kul 2